Easy DECs

<p>Can anyone recommend any easy DECs? I am taking physics (with Hemmick) orgo 2, and bio 205. So I need something pretty easy to balance out the workload. Thanks so much.</p>

<p>which dec?</p>

<p>for dec g:
eur 101- when i took it with westphalen i hardly ever went to class. tests were easy multiple choice and he gave us an extra credit quiz.</p>

<p>mus 305- i’m currently enrolled in it, however, it’s proving to be a very easy dec as well.</p>

<p>for dec d:
mus 119- very very easy.</p>

<p>dec h:
bio 208- if you like bio or psych this class is very interesting and it gives you a very basic intro to neurobiology</p>

<p>on that note, has anyone taken a dec j yet?</p>

<p><a href=“http://stonybrook.edu/winter/PDF/manhattan1091.pdf[/url]”>http://stonybrook.edu/winter/PDF/manhattan1091.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Has anyone taken any of these courses at SBU Manhattan and found them sort of easy? Which one would you suggest I take that is not killer.</p>

<p>i took cls 215 over the summer [manhattan] and thr 104 during the winter. both were very easy and i wound up enjoying them as well.</p>

<p>Did you have them with the same profs? If so, how much time did you spend on it. I ask because I want to do research during that time also and was wondering if its manageable. My friends are telling me to take RLS with Mary Ward, but I am not sure. I have heard mixed responses. So I wanted to get your input. Now I am pre-med. Does THR 104 count for the pre-med english requirement? If it does, I will take it.</p>

<p>As per your DEC J, I asked my friend and he told me Buddhism was pretty easy and interesting. He really liked it and he was Christian. So you may think about looking into it. What other DECs are you looking into or is that your only one?</p>

<p>yep. i took thr104 w jeffreys. hes a character lol. the structure of the class went something like this: it was almost all presentations! you only have to do 2 [1. 5mins on a certain part of a play 2. 10mins on a play of your choice by a certain author]. by day 3 i stopped reading the plays bc i got all the info i needed for the exams from the presentations. to top it off you see a play that you as a class vote to see. it was pretty fun. the only problem is that class takes up 3hrs [however he let us out early, as much as an hour early, very often]. so its an easy a.
however, i have no idea as to whether it counts for the lit class you need for pre-med. id ask registrar or an advisor about that.</p>

<p>and thanks for the suggestion on dec j, i’ll prolly take it during the summer. yea dec j is the only dec i have left [finally!] =)</p>

<p>No problem dude. Just glad to help. Do you have any suggestions for a DEC D? Some ppl have told me to take dance, but is it smart?</p>

<p>my freshie suitemate took dance for a dec. i would only suggest it if you can either actually dance or if you are coordinated. lol. id just go with an easy music class i heard mus 101 is super easy. i took mus 119, which was super easy for me [partially bc i play the piano lol]. all mus 119 was about was music theory from the very basics [learning the notes] to slightly less basic [learning each key]. there were homeworks and quizzes which were entirely too easy lol. but it was required that you attend 2 concerts and write about them. we also created our own short piece of music. it was fun.
good luck!</p>

<p>Can anyone recommend any easy DECs for next semester, preferably DECs D, J, K, and/or B? Btw has anyone taken or heard anything about Soc of Gender and/ or THR 100 (Prof is Frank Cardillo?</p>

<p>LIN 200-Languages of the US with Julia Weisenberg is an extremely easy DEC K and I am pretty sure it is being offered next semester. So far, we have only had 2 homework assignments and you really don’t have to do the reading assignments at all…</p>

<p>I am taking CLS 215 in fall with Krin Gabbard, does anyone know if she is easy or not. What should I take MUS 119 or CLS 215. Please help me.</p>

<p>there is an online class
-EST 320.30 Communication Technology Systems </p>

<p>It is a DEC … i think K? not sure which category it is but i am certain it is a DEC.</p>

<p>You have a short answer essay question weekly. A discussion question weekly and you have to answer one class mate, and you have a quiz weekly(4 attempts all same questions on each attempt) Then a 5 page paper and final which is MC. </p>

<p>It is great if you dont want to attend class to free up some time</p>

<p>Anyone have any ideas on DEC E? I’m planning on trying to get into GEO 101 and 102, but I’m not sure how wise that would be.</p>

<p>BIO 101 with Schmidt is an ultra easy DEC E, especially since he gives loads of extra credit =)</p>

<p>HUI 235 is an easy DEC G. I’m taking it right now, and I don’t know anyone who’s taken it and not gotten an A or A-</p>

<p>Anyone take EGL 191, 192, or 193?</p>

<p>Does anyone know of any other easy DEC E, G or H classes?</p>


<p>E (Science DEC right?), BIO 101 as someone previously said
G- HUI 234 & 235
H- MEC 280 & BIO 358</p>

<p>does anyone know what an easy DEC I is?</p>