DEC Recommendations

<p>Can you please recommend some cool DECs. Also comment on teacher, how many exams, how hard exams were, if there are papers, how much review/study is necessary, and any other useful info. Thanks so much, I greatly appreciate this.</p>


D- Understanding Fine and Performing Arts (1 course)</p>

<p>F- Social and Behavioral Sciences (2 courses)</p>

<p>G- Humanities (2 course)</p>

<p>H- Implications of Science & Technology (1 course)</p>

<p>I- European Traditions (1 course)</p>

<p>J- World Beyond European Traditions (1 course)</p>

<p>K- American Pluralism (1 course)</p>

<p>Well, I was debating for a long time on this as a pre-med. I decided between PHI 108 and PSY 103, I went with PSY's all about human behavior.</p>

<p>I recommend choosing whatever interests you the most.....and which you think you can do well in.</p>

<p>Any easy ones someone can recommend.</p>

<p>D - I would take MUS 119. I took it over the summer in Stony Brook Manhattan (and I do recommend taking decs over the summer in the city). There were 5 quizzes, which is really a review of the homework. It does not require memorizations, just know the concept. There is a midterm and a final. They're basically another review of your homework and quizzes. It's not hard at all. There are 2 short papers, where you will have to do research online on music composers and write a paper about the concert you heard, based on what you've learned about different music tones. Really, it's easy, requires some effort.</p>

<p>F - I would take PSY 103 or SOC 105, whichever you prefer. I'm a psych major so I would go with's a lot of information chunked in one semester. If you're interested you should take it. There are usually 3 midterms and a final, it also requires you to do psychology experiments, which should not take more than 1 hour of your time for each experiments. There is also a paper due (topics depends on the professor). Exams are pretty hard. It requires you to apply the materials to reality, not merely definitions or identifications of terms. </p>

<p>SOC 105 by Marrone is easy. There is a paper that is optional for extra credit if I remember correctly. Her exams are usually ~40 mc. Straightforward from lecture and textbook, but she can be specific at times.</p>

<p>G - Women's Studies 103, PHI 100 History of Western Philosophy. Again, I took Women's Studies 103 over the summer so I'm not sure how it would go about in regular semesters. There was a midterm and a final, participation count toward the grades. It's not a lot of work or readings since it's entry level course. </p>

<p>PHI 100 Prof. Harvey Cormier - The class was a joke really. You just have to show up in class and take notes. Or if you don't like to go to class, simply read or skim through the readings he assigned before the exam. Exams are opened notes. Final is opened book and notes. But of course you at least should skim through the readings otherwise it's hard to "google" up the answers. He also give a review session and review sheets. Easy A</p>

<p>H - EST 201 - Edwin Tjoe - I would definitely take this class. It's an easy A, but you have to show up for class because he throws in extra credit (which goes on top of your final grade) from time to time and mostly, when barely 70% of the class show up. (when i took it in Spring 07, there were like 7 points of extra credits ). He offer other extra credits such as doing an experiment toward the end of the semester. There is a paper, of topics you can choose from or topic of your own. Requires online discussion once a week, and 2 posts. (it shouldn't be hard, just take 10minutes of your time to listen to podcast he posted up). Grading System goes by 20%, yes and that includes Midterm and Final. Final is optional if you're satisfied with your overall grade which he will post up tentatively on blackboard toward the end of the semester. He has a little temper problem so try not to ask too much questions or make him repeat himself and DO follow his directions.</p>

<p>This is all I can suggest. I took Dec K but the professor was hard, I don't think you would want to know. I'm currently taking Dec I, haven't taken J yet so I can't tell you.</p>

<p>There are alot of other nice courses out there for you to choose from. Mostly entry levels are easy.</p>

<p>What would you suggest that I do eva so that I can get an A in PSY 103?</p>

<p>Thanks so much. Greatly appreciate this.</p>

<p>Entity - Read all the materials, including the small boxes that gives some examples or biography about certan terms or people (im not sure if they still have these in the newer edition of the book). Make sure you understand how to apply the terms in reality. Franklin give very few definition types of questions if any. But she does explain things well in class so write down everything she says if you can. Her exam questions can be confusing sometimes. It's pretty hard to get an A in the class, but doesn't mean it's impossible.</p>