<p>Son needs to pick two electives for next semester. The registrar messed up his schedule so he may use AP credits to waive out of one class. If that is the case he needs to pick two electives. Does anyone have any suggestions on electives that count for arts and sciences that are easy/ and good classes. He took jazz this semester and loved that class. Thanks.</p>
<p>my daughter wanted to take French as her elective , but she tested too advanced. She took ASL and hates it. I think it is the professor more than the subject though. I am wondering what she will take next semester.</p>
<p>He should take Organic Chemistry I and Differential Equations.</p>
<p>But seriously, I am in the same situation as your son and I am just taking more classes that go towards my major. Next semester will probably be one of the hardest that I will have, but it also means that I am taking just electives during my two summer semesters. I would take as many major requirement classes as possible so that later, arts and science electives will make class easier.</p>
<p>jazz is the easiest class on campus, history of flight and space isn’t hard either.</p>
<p>I’m doing the same thing as RedSox. I APed out of nearly every single one of my requirements, and a year of calc and a year of chem. I’m a chemistry major, but I only HAVE to take orgo 2 and physics 1 next semester. However I might want to add on a minor later on, or I might want to try and do study abroad-- point is, I don’t know. So I’m also taking analytical chemistry and my last requirement (cultures) for the NU core. That means I’m going to have three science classes next semester with 13 hours of lab total per week. Next semester is going to be really tough.</p>
<p>But if it means I get to have some free time later on to take classes for a minor or do study abroad, then I consider it worth it.</p>
<p>When are you taking orgo II? We might be in the same class. I have Warner right now. The only thing I would say about your schedule is that physics labs are a lot of work to write up. I must say that those are by far my least favorite thing to do. I would actually prefer to write college writing essays over physics labs. That said, they meet every other week so every other week you have no lab and no lab due.</p>
<p>I am a chemistry major, which has a different organic class than non-chemistry majors, so probably not. I have professor Zhou.</p>
<p>Yea, you’re right.</p>