To the OP. I have seen a lot of strong, great, well meaning opinions on this thread. All will have a certain resonance with you I’m sure. I have been through the same situation with my D. (minus the Drug use). She too was in therapy, etc before she went off to college and believe me when I say, we were fully aware of the situation. She went off to college with our blessing, and her therapists, with us having all the parental anxiety that comes along with the disease as well as normal off to college worries.
Having researched the mental health department at her college, I realized that they just did not have the ability to deal with ED. We found all the resources she needed outside of her college. That being said, she did go to therapy some, and a nutritionist some,(how often I’m unclear as she was not always truthful) but still found herself continually battling her demons. Medications are great, but taking them consistently was another battle. Fortunately academics where not an issue.
Trust me when I say, I stalked her FB(which is misleading), emails, anything I could to keep myself apprised of her well-being. And we have good communication between us. It is very difficult at the age of the college kids to “make” them do anything. Figuring out what is normal college behavior/angst vs. ED behavior is tough to do. Since you have already begun the journey with her in high school you know that Working on empowering them is what seems to be the best course of action. Also, trusting your instincts is a must. Lying/manipulation is their M.O.
My D on her own accord made the decision to come home during her freshman year and seek further treatment. With our blessing she did and spent 5 months working on her health. It was/is the best decision SHE has ever made. I can say that she is in recovery and will graduate soon. Thank God. But I can also say to you, that her path has not always been easy, and is a continuous struggle.
Know that You are on the right path. You can try and get HIPAA papers signed as did I but not always, easy. I did have a one way dialogue with her therapists when I was worried. I made a mental note on whether she picked up her meds. And on and on… That being said, YOU can only do so much. They need to trip and fall and pick themselves up on their own. ( not easy as with Mental illness. It can be scary and disastrous.)
If you feel that for your D’s overall health and your families she needs to be closer to home then do it. Yep she’ll be pissed, but we get the brunt of their anger anyway, so whats a little more. Keep it up. Your doing great. And always remember your D may resist your wisdom, but she needs it more than anything.
You are welcome to PM me if needed.