<p>Currently, I am intended PEIS major. A lot of my friends have told me to go into Econ because it is a better major in regards to a career in business (is this true?). However, i've always shut out the possibility because I am not really good at math. (I got an A in Econ 1 with Train.)</p>
<p>I was wondering how is the Econ major like? What can I expect from upper div econ courses?</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<p>I would like to know this too.</p>
<p>Do Econ, PEIS is much more likely to sound like a BS made up major on a resume.</p>
<p>You don’t have to be great at math to do well in Econ 100A/100B, all you need to know is how to take derivatives, solve simple equations, and interpret graphs. You can choose from a lot of upper divs so you can avoid math completely if you want and only do the social science classes.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for responding flutterfly! I think I should talk to an advisor or someone about this…but I doubt an L&S advisor would know much about the Econ major. Does the economics department offer advising? I would really like to talk to an Econ major…</p>
<p>Thanks again!</p>
<p>Why do you doubt l&s advisors know about econ? It’s one of the most popular majors, that’s why its capped. </p>
<p>Of course econ has its own advisors, every department with a major has advisors.</p>
<p>Well, PE is just Political Economies… so it’s not as BS sounding of a major anymore.</p>
<p>Anyways, it’s both political science and Econ, which is awesome if that’s what you are interested in. If you like Econ more, then go for it. Don’t worry about the math etc :)</p>
<p>Are you no longer thinking about haas? :)</p>
<p>Hi Starry 
I am still pre-Haas but I am having a bit of trouble deciding between PEIS and Econ for my back-up major</p>
<p>Vanilla econ is good. With PEIS you’ll have to explain your major a billion times and when an employer looks on a resume he’ll get it instantly. Those extra words mess with people.</p>
<p>Just say intended business, please no pre-haas mumbo jumbo.</p>