<p>Anyway, it would be hella awesome to get to know who for sure is going next year. We could start a list where people list their names, location, screen name, and school, and maybe get to know each other a little. Just for fun, say what the WEAKEST part of your application was (i.e. terrible SATs, lacks of ECs, etc.). I'll start:</p>
Kentfield, California
The Branson School
My GPA (3.45 uw)</p>
<p>My school doesn't calculate a GPA, so I don't really no exactly what it was. It was probably closer to 3.5 - 3.6 ish unweighted, and closer to 3.8 - 3.9 weighted. Seeing how I made it clear that I'm NOT a math/science person, I guess that Dartmouth thought a few B's in freshman and sophomore math classes didn't really matter that much.</p>
<p>And btw, I'm the last person you'd find saving our current president.</p>
<p>Well, I live in a small, below-average income town. I always considered that a disadvantage, seeing as how most admissions officers will (in my case) pick around half of their people from Madison, about half from Milwaukee, and one or two from the rest of the state.</p>
<p>But here, I see some people with what I would call a major disadvantage (like 3.6 and white, white, white for you, julians) still make it in. It seems like all of the people here have fantastic personalities, so it's nice to know that the admissions officers are willing to take a better overall person over a better, if unbalanced, student.</p>
<p>I think that there's an article somewhere (thedartmouth.com maybe) about how the adcom (or maybe it was the Dean of Admissions, specifically) despised "the All-American" boy or girl. I think the exact phase the article used when describing what the adcom is looking for was "creative loner." While I wouldn't have gone with that phrasing ::cringe::, Dartmouth offers an Ivy League education and a gigantimous (I defy you, grammar!!) quantity of competition, so to get past the gate, if you will, you're gonna have to be brilliant in some fashion.<br>
Plus, while julians may have had disadvantages, I do believe he had a 1600 or something close to it on the SATs. So, yeah, personality matters, but so does your brain. Here endeth the rant.</p>