<p>Newsweek publishes Kaplan's "America's Hottest Colleges" every August, and UF's statistics on Admissions, Academics, Costs, Student Body, etc. are included.</p>
<p>My son is a freshman now, so the issue I'm referring to is last year's 2006 college issue. Following are the UF stats published in last year's issue. (They don't include percentages. That's my math, and you might want to check it.)</p>
<p>Percent Early Decision Admitted: 63%
Percent Regular Decision Admitted: 51%
Percent Total Applications Admitted: 52.5%</p>
<p>Kaplan doesn't include students who applied for Regular Decision, so I subtracted ED apps from Total apps to determine that 20,137 students applied Regular Decision, and 51% were admitted. Here's how I did it:</p>
Number applied for Early Decision: 2,836 (Kaplan's numbers)
Number admitted Early Decision: 1,792
Percent ED admitted: About 63% </p>
Total number of student applications: 22,973 (Kaplan's numbers)
Total number of student admitted: 12,029
Percent Total apps admitted: About 52%</p>
Total number of applications (22,973) less Early Decision applications (2,836) leaves 20,137 Regular Decision applications.</p>
<p>Total students admitted (12,029), less Early Decision admissions (1,792) leaves 10,237 students admitted through Regular Decision. That's about 51%.</p>
<p>If my math is correct, it appears that your chances of being accepted through ED are a bit higher. Another Kaplan fact is that out of 12,029 students accepted by UF in 2005, only 6,596 students actually enrolled. That kind of surprised me.</p>
<p>Best of luck to all of you!