ED vs EA with my stats

<p>Hey CC, UM is my clear #1 school and my family can afford to send me there w/o finaid. I would like to see your opinions on whether I should apply ED or EA. I know ED is supposed to be better at most schools, but at UM ED has a lower acceptance rate. </p>

<p>I only want to apply ED if it gives me the best chance of getting in, because I know I want to go to The U. I think I'm around average for UM; I'd like to think ED has a lower acceptance rate because it gets a lot of applications for below average students and that it would actually help someone with average stats. What do you think?</p>

<p>Stats from chance thread:

•White male
•MD resident
•$300k family income, my family can afford any school, but I'd only want them to pay a lot if I love the school. </p>

•3.48 GPA
•3.88 weighted GPA
•4.1 GPA Junior year
•Top 15% class rank, 43/328
•1990 SAT
•1340 M + CR (670 + 670)
•6 APs, Bio: 5, USH: 4, WorldH: 4. Calc, Stats, Chem this year.</p>

Pretty good for second-tier schools. I'm a varsity athlete, youth lacrosse coach, writer, and have had a 2 year internship at the U.S. Senate. Letters of rec and essay will be good.


<p>Thanks! I hope to get in and be part of the class of 2018. :)</p>

<p>90 views and not so much as a reply?</p>

<p>If you’re sure your parents can afford it, and you are 100% sure that it is your #1 school, that you’d absolutely go if accepted, I’d apply ED.</p>

<p>I think you will have a good shot at it. My daughter also is applying ED. The worst it will happen is that you will be put in the regular admission but I am almost sure you will get in.</p>

<p>My son son was told no shot at merit aid if you apply EA. Merit aid is nice regardless of your financial position.</p>

<p>My previous post contains a typo. We were told by admissions that if you apply ED and accept the contract, you will not be given merit aid, because there is no reason to entice you. We were also told it does not help in gaining acceptance.</p>



<p>Was he told this by UM? I know you can back out of ED (common app schools) if the financial aid is not sufficient; no merit aid may not be sufficient for some. I COULD back out if I received no merit aid. I don’t expect any more than $10k with my stats though, if that.</p>

<p>From the common app


<p>My stats are almost identical to yours except my junior year gpa was 4.2, I’m top 8% and I’m an African American female but I ended up applying EA instead of ED. I’m sure you’ll be accepted though! Hopefully we’ll both be able to represent Maryland!</p>

<p>I posted on your chance thread. What did you end up getting on the SAT? I know it was pretty low for UM at first. Hope you improved it. :)</p>

<p>I don’t know yet they come out tomorrow and I’m so nervous! Did you send in your application yet?</p>

<p>I got my scores and I did terrible again CR:630 M: 500 do you think my chances are ruined basically?</p>

<p>When you said we had almost identical stats, I thought you would’ve scored in the 1300 range. </p>

<p>UM is holistic and more than test scores matter. Just be aware that an 1130 is on the lower end for UM. (<25th percentile) Your GPA and top 10% will help. You are also a URM. I would say it’s a “maybe”</p>

<p>Sorry for the confusion I was talking about the Maryland resident and gpa. What is an URM? Under represented minority?</p>

<p>URM-under represented minority</p>

<p>Officially applied EA yesterday! Just have to get my former employer to change his rec letter from Georgetown to UM and submit it.</p>

<p>I might want to go to my reach if I happen to get in. I can also weigh the finances if I get no merit at UM. I think I have a great chance with EA.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the help. I’d love to go to Miami if I get the chance.</p>