<p>I'm gonna go to UCSB in the Fall but wanted to get a head start by going to summer school and I wanted to take Calc 3A (couldn't take calc in my HS) and intro to programming. Some have told me I should hold off on taking this, do you guys think it'll be something I could handle for summer school? The session I'm doing is five weeks. I know no one doing/have done engineering so I don't really know how to judge this for myself, so any advice or thoughts would be great :)</p>
<p>A 5 week summer session is half of a 10 week normal quarter, so courses are taught twice as quickly as in a normal quarter. So you would take half a normal quarter course load to get the same workload as a normal course quarter course load would give during a normal quarter.</p>
<p>Another option is to take a course that articulates to Math 3A at a community college (see <a href=āhttp://www.assist.org%5B/url%5Dā>http://www.assist.org</a> ) that offers it during a normal 10 week summer quarter, if you want to take it at a normal pace (perhaps along with other courses).</p>