<p>so i've been a good student for my whole life, mostly A's with a couple B's. and i had a great senior year with 5 APs (calcBC, compsci, gov, english, and physics). but i'm seriously not doing too well right now (and i'm not trolling or being funny). i've been absent so many times because of an injury (i had surgery and was in a cast for 3 months, twice this year, then i fell down the stairs and broke my tailbone and got a concussion). i don't have senioritis! i do all my work when i have the opportunity, but i've just had so much going on being in and out of the doctors office, visiting colleges, etc. please help!!</p>
<p>my grades are as follows:</p>
<p>AP physics - 75 (i failed the only test of the quarter, but i think lab grades might save me)
AP compsci - 100 (but i haven't handed in 2 programs, but he doesn't like post zeros, he just deducts for late time, so IDK how that's going to play out)
AP gov - i don't even know
AP calculusBC - 99 (weird, i hate this class, and its only one test, mind you)
AP english - 75 (got a 0 for a book check which was one of the only grades so far, but i only got the zero because i wasn't in school that day for one of the aforementioned reasons and he refuses to change it...he's a lasallian brother, so he's less than approachable)
christian service - 50 (i'm working this one out with my teacher because i haven't even been to a class yet, but i'm so behind, i haven't handed in any assignments yet. and i'm so less than excited to explain to colleges how i'm going to fail the easiest and my only nonAP class of the year)</p>
<p>i'm freaking out because this is the lowest i've ever seen my grades. the Compsci grade is only a 100 because i haven't really handed in any work, so things might be even worse than they appear. i've been accepted to mcgill, GW, fordham, WPI, URI pharmacy, oberlin, brandeis, tulane, RPI, and american. i'm not sure where i want to go yet, probably either mcgill or brandeis, but with these grades, am i in hot water?? and i promise this isn't a troll thread!! thanks for the input.</p>