When will you know that a student’s ELC status?
I know it’s not much of a big thing, but just curious.
Is it after you submit the application or before? If it’s before when?
Thank you

This might be a stupid question, but what do you mean by “that a student’s ELC status?” And what is ELC?

The only ELC status that I am aware of is for the California UC’s for California HS students so I am assuming this discussion was posted in the wrong forum.

Your high school must participate in the ELC program for you to receive the ELC designation (top 9%). In the past few years, Merced has been the only campus guaranteeing acceptance to ELC students. Your ELC designation will be displayed on the confirmation page after you have submitted your UC Application in November. All seniors graduating from California high schools who meet the Admissions index (top 9% statewide) will be guaranteed acceptance to one UC campus (Merced). You will simply apply to the campuses you are interested in attending, and if you are not accepted at any of those campuses, the UC system will automatically forward your application to Merced

It’s a typo. I meant When will a student know his/her ELC designation? ELC is eligibility in local context! It’s for UCs.

Thank you for answering my question. I think I should have posted in UC forum.
I have read about ELC but couldn’t find an answer as to when will a student be notified of his ELC status. Now I know it’s after submission of application.
Thanks a lot