
<p>I would never vote for hilary pretty much anybody would be perferable. I would like it if a fiscal conservative/social liberal(libertarian) would run.</p>

<p>The real reason Hiliary would be unable to win anything is because she doesn't actually believe in anything except for being the President. I mean, George W. Bush, like him or not, believes in things. He has only bashed into our collective heads that the world is better off without Saddam like a trillion times now? Whenever I hear Hiliary speak, I'm half expecting her to go on a rant about how the Republicans have screwed up the environment, taken away a woman's right to choose and discriminate against gay and I'm half expecting her to go on a tirade about the how horrible today's kids are and how they expect a handout from everyone.</p>

And the idea of Pataki running and winning is hard to believe, given that he would have been trounced by Spitzer in this year's gubernatorial election


Disclaimer: This is the poster's assumptions, not to be confused with actual facts.</p>

<p>It will truly be sad for New York if Spitzer wins.</p>

<p>John McCain</p>

<p>"In America, women can vote but horse cannot! It is the other way around in my country."</p>

<p>Love the Borat quote.</p>