"Elective" advice for an Engineering student

My son is currently in the Engineering Academy at Blinn, but will come to College Station in January. He will be selecting his courses for Spring term soon. He must choose an “elective” course for his schedule. Does anyone have any advice as to what courses to choose from…and maybe which ones to avoid? Thanks!

Need to know what he has taken and what his interests are. Hard to be generic. The easy electives are full by now at tamu. We’re in open registration now so that could change.

When I was in college, I took whatever I was interested in. At this point, I would probably take some sort of culinary class if offered.

Take an elective in an subject that u you would never have way access to as an adult. I was a science major in college but my favorite classes were from a history professor. His lectures were magical (and I HATED history in HS). What I leaned in his class shaped my way of thinking about the world my whole life. Anthropology, sociobiology, developmental psychology…all classes where you learn things which help you in your life.

Is there really much room in his schedule for complete electives? Or are you talking about core curriculum classes? My son is a jr bmen major and so far has not taken any pure elective classes. Engineering degree is pretty spelled out.

@oldschool58 The note below appears at the bottom of the freshman engineering first year plan. Knowing what your son has already taken and what Tamu requires will help him to pick his extra classes.

“Of the 18 hours shown as University Core Curriculum electives, 3 must be from creative arts, 3 from social and behavioral sciences (see IDIS curriculum for more information), 6 from American history and 6 from government/political science. The required 3 hours of international and cultural diversity and 3 hours of cultural discourse may be met by courses satisfying the creative arts, social and behavioral sciences and American history requirements if they are also on the approved list of international and cultural diversity courses and cultural discourse courses.”

If the above is the case just take whatever interests him. My son took a advanced psychology class, Roman /Greek mythology and something else.

My daughter was required to take 2 writing courses, 1 american civ type class, and I think the remaining 6 electives were really elective. I know she took Spanish and tennis her last semester. The rest was all engineering, all the time.