Elmira College Nursing Program

<p>Does anyone can provide information about the nursing program in Elmira College?</p>

<p>It is a small, direct-entry BSN program. We visited and a senior student told us that her class was about 30 students but the freshman class was closer to 50. She liked the program and spoke about the clinical experience in the area, the SIMS equipment, and the attention received in a small program. </p>

<p>The college itself is very pretty and most classrooms wouldn’t even hold 30 students so small class sizes are guaranteed. They offer generous merit money and explain how it’s distributed on their web site. They also offer a 3K discount per year to out of state students who visit before the end of January (at least they did last year). </p>

<p>Here’s a link to New York state’s NCLEX pass rates. Elmira has such a small group that one extra person passing makes a big difference. Their scores for two years were 82.8% and 95.2%. </p>

<p>[NYS</a> Nursing:Nursing Programs:RN NCLEX Results: 2008-2012](<a href=“http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/nurse/nurseprogs-nclexrn2008-12.htm]NYS”>http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/nurse/nurseprogs-nclexrn2008-12.htm)</p>

<p>@Linda2010‌ , did you end up going to Elmira? My daughter is thinking of visiting to look at their nursing program.</p>