Elon University Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Did you receive an email from the school about the parents video? The only communication has been to my D22.

Yes, both parents received an email on 12/20 with a video message from the President welcoming us. Most communication does go to the students and I am so happy when colleges communicate directly with me as a parent. Maybe it went to your spam?

@SMkut yes, as @Mom270 suggests, check spam, I donā€™t know if I get as many/the same emails as my son, but I definitely get regular emails from Elon. Is there a chance they have your email address wrong?

My son is a freshman in Business Fellows, and so far (only one semester), weā€™ve been really happy with the experience. I think the kids in each of the Fellows programs get to know each other pretty well. I really like all the things that are ā€œrequiredā€ to stay in the Fellows program because, quite frankly, they will all make them more marketable when they graduate and a lot of them are great life experiences.

My son was invited to apply for Honors and Business fellows. He was one of about 150 they interviewed for Business Fellows and was lucky enough to be one of the 25 in it this year (I had heard it was close to a thousand that applied). He was not invited to interview for Honors, which is hyper competitive (it has a higher scholarship amount than the rest of them, so I think that factors in to it). Itā€™s a tough call which to apply for, you never know which way it will go for your child, so I would say, have her look at the different programs and select based on which ones she thinks she would enjoy the most unless the scholarship amount makes a significant difference in ability to attend.

They did post stats for the Class of 2025, you might be able to look at that and figure out if it makes more sense to apply to one over the other. The GPAs they post there make no sense to me though, I donā€™t know how they weight them, but a 5.17 is mathematically impossible where we live (5.0 is the highest weight you can get here, but thereā€™s no way to graduate with nothing but AP classes, so even a 5.0 is not possible)

Any way, best of luck to your daughter. I canā€™t believe its only been a year since we went through the college selection process. My son has been very happy with Elon. It was probably the least competitive/prestigious school he was accepted to, but its been an amazing fit for him personally, and I think in the long run he will be more successful because of it.


@dracarys2020 - Thank you so much for this detailed, informative post. I think my daughter is going with her gut and will apply for College and Leadership, if she can pull it all together by the end of the day todayā€¦!

Can I ask what the deciding factors for your son were on choosing Elon, especially given what sounds like a broad range of academic options available to him? (The same is proving true for my daughter and we are hoping to help her settle on a place that will be a fantastic fit)

Thanks so much!


Hi can I chime in? My son is a Junior at Elon and we also were focused on fit, primarily (psych major so that ā€˜can happen anywhereā€™). Elon was a front runner for my son after the first visit. It just was very impressiveā€¦Elon is super good at marketing and communications but the substance is behind it all. We came away with a strong feeling of what Elon is about (engaged learning, connected and passionate staff and leadership), and, happy students, beautiful campus. My son also had other good offers (Elon was the lowest merit offer but also the lowest sticker price). We went back for a second visit before decision time and at the end of that he knew Elon was the one. His classes are small and engaging, he does have connected faculty (an offer to TA after his freshman bio class; a mentor in Anthro), socially he found his people easily (small group, non greek although it seems the Greek students and/or more ā€œpreppyā€ or social too are quite happy socially as well). Itā€™s hard to put this into words but Elon has a strong mission that they communicate clearly and put into practice, is rising ā€˜in the ranksā€™ (moved to National category, #1 in undergrad teaching, high ranks in study abroad). My son is not in Fellows but Iā€™ve only heard great about it.

If I had to state some cons, as a parent (my son does not have complaints) it would be lack of diversity, this is one of Elonā€™s major goals and I can see the evidence Elon is working on it but the numbers are still low. The other con I can think of is it is a very small town. This was a concern for us from the first visit, so far it is not a problem, but if your student wants a bustling surrounding area with say arts/sports/concerts/cultural events/tons of eating and shopping opportunities, Elon will not provide thatā€¦Burlington is very close as a typical very small ā€˜cityā€™ with chain restaurants and shopping and maybe a mall; Raleigh is about 50 minutes away for concerts and actual city type stuff. There is plenty to do on campus with clubs and activities and plenty of outing opportunities, and I didnā€™t (on tours) or now hear of students being bored, but I imagine that small town situation could be a concern for some!


My daughter has committed to next year and I found a thread debating Freshmen having cars on campus there- my gut was originally that it wasnā€™t necessary, but maybe the small town makes it moreso? Any thoughts on your sonā€™s experience with that?

My son took his car. We mostly sent it so he could bring himself back and forth on breaks. He uses it to go to Burlington to Target or restaurants, and has used it now and then for outings like Raleigh concerts or the NC state fair or hiking. Many students have cars, so rides to Target etc arenā€™t that hard to come by, also there is an Elon U Bio Bus that hits some spots in town.

I think from what I hear and read, cars are definitely not a necessity at all, they are a ā€˜nice to haveā€™ and plenty have them but there are other optionsā€¦including friends with cars!

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My daughter is a junior and just brought her car this year since she is living off campus

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I think the size of the school, he liked the idea of smaller classes and the rest of his options were much larger. I personally love how they focus on personal growth, encouraging the kids to do things beyond the classroom. He was really excited about the Fellows program, but if he didnā€™t get that he planned to do the dual degree program with German and Business (he would have spent two years in school in Germany with that) I love the concept of the LLCs (Living Learning Communities) that they offer as well as it should make it easier to find new friends that have at least one common interest. That is something else you have to apply for, but I think they do their best to get the kids where they want to be (I think I heard if you apply to two, they definitely do everything they can to get them in at least one of them). My son is in the Creative Arts one this year, and I think its been good


My daughter was accepted to the Elon EA Class of 2026. Does anyone know when the FinAid package is coming out?

My daughter was accepted as EA to the Elon Class of 2026. Does anyone know when the FinAid package is coming out?

My daughter received her financial aid packet this afternoon.

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We received a welcome letter with a sticker today. Weā€™re in PA.

Letter with (nice) sticker today. Would have preferred financial aid!


need-based or merit if you donā€™t mind me asking and if merit, did you already know that she had received an award? TIA

My son received an email yesterday with a link to his financial aid notification.

I saw on Instagram that Elonā€™s undergraduate business school has been ranked #35 in the country by Poets & Quants. They really seem to be improving their national rankings.


My d received her merit info with her acceptance. We received the need based award this week. Still waiting to hear if she made it to the interviews for fellows. Has anyone heard about that yet?

It may depend on program but ours said notified date of Feb 7 when she hit submit.

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