<p>I was noticing that there are some USAFA class of 2010 appointees already with a facebook account— this means that they have received their email from USAFA-- I haven’t has anyone on this board gotten their email? If so did you receive it in some sort of mailing package?</p>
<p>yeah benjo, I was thinking about this too...if anyone on here gets some information, be sure to post it</p>
<p>My son's friend is class of 09. His email is <a href="mailto:c09first.last@usafa.af.mil">c09first.last@usafa.af.mil</a>. I'm sure these folks have just have plugged in thier class and name. </p>
<p>But I'm not sure with facebook if you have to confirm with an email from the address listed.</p>
<p>The Class of '10 people with USAFA Facebooks are most likely because they're at the USAFA prep school. You won't get your official USAFA e-mail account until after BCT.</p>
<p>Gas to congressional interview - $5
Combat boots at local BX - $100
Plane ticket to appointee orientation - $350
Worry about getting an e-mail address, 22 days out of I-day, so you can set up your new facebook account - priceless</p>
<p>so I guess my email would be like c10.....com. Whoa! We're like the double digit class! 10!</p>
<p>TN that was funny...LMAO :D :D :D</p>
<p>hilarious - the whole conversation.</p>
<p>Why would you want a facebook before BCT? Isn't that one sure fire way to attract unwanted attention from upperclassmen?</p>
<p>Yes. Some cadre looked up their preppy "kids" last year (no it wasn't me). One cadre in particular went around to a few of them asking, "Can I be your friend?"</p>
<p>We had a little San Diego area appointee orientation, and my mother got my e-mail address from the parents club. I don't know where she put the information, but it seems you can already find out the address.</p>
<p>It's not a matter of knowing what your address will be, as it won't be ACTIVE until after BCT. As af81 already mentioned, it will be <a href="mailto:C10firstname.lastname@usafa.af.mil">C10firstname.lastname@usafa.af.mil</a>
However, you can't sign up for Facebook with it as it has to be verified - otherwise nothing prevents random people from saying they go to certain colleges which they do not.</p>
<p>Folks, this was never about facebook. It was about Benjo6 being concerned that he might have missed an important mailing -- since the AFA seems to send out quite a few. If they HAD issued email addresses than you can imagine it would be important especially if the Academy then proceeds to communicate through that email address. I know this was the reason for the post since I happen to be closely related to him ;)</p>
<p>I also think that Uncynical cleared it up nicely -- they're not active accounts until after basic so it's a non-issue.</p>
<p>We're just poking fun :P, TN started it!</p>
<p>AFA81 started it <em>points wildly</em></p>
<p>Is there a specific website cadet go to access their e-mail or is it connected to a network. I'm wondering because I want to know if cadets can their usafa e-mail account away from the academy. By the way, I am trying to figure out why I'm worrying about e-mail accounts when Basics is in less than a month.</p>
<p>for gods sakes folks, its just a matter of curiosity, we've asked plenty of other questions from what computers we're getting to what the classes are like, and thats a hell of a long ways away too...we are not bad, misguided people for wanting to know about e-mail GASP before Basic...</p>
<p>Yeah andy, I know it was just a little fun ;) Actually, I cracked up at TN's post myself!</p>
<p>"Is there a specific website cadet go to access their e-mail or is it connected to a network."</p>
<p>At the academy we use MS Outlook (a program connected to the network) to check mail. At home you can go online to <a href="https://webmail.usafa.af.mil">https://webmail.usafa.af.mil</a> and check it from there.</p>