Email from "Director of Recruitment"

<p>I had an interview last month with a volunteer interviewer for a large research university close to home. I have an online business which the interviewer seemed to be impressed with. He sent me a follow up email saying that he really enjoyed interviewing me and wanted to get me in touch with the school of management at the university. </p>

<p>Yesterday, I get an email from the "Director of Undergraduate Recruitment" at the school of management. She told me that my interviewer was quite impressed with my experience, thanked me for my interest, and wanted to know if she could help me with anything. She also asked if I might visit again so that she could give me a personal tour of the facilities and talk to me about the programs and whatnot.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard of individual colleges at universities' "director of undergraduate recruitment"? If so, do you know what influence they yield and how they are different from the university wide admissions folks?</p>

<p>I’m skeptical but that’s because I’m a cynical old fart. I’d ask the Director of Recruitment what influence they have, if any.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>An administrator with a similar title, (but not exactly the same, it was the Dean of something or other and recruitment) at one of my daughter’s schools was very encouraging to her, she ended up with a very generous merit scholarship. I don’t think it hurts to respond appropriately to the encouragement and to open a line of communication, whether or not this person has real influence or not. Having someone who knows your name, and is available to answer a question here or there is a benefit, and if it turns out that she does have influence, all the better.</p>

<p>Thanks guys. Anyone else with some insight (aka bump from page 4)?</p>