Personal Emails from Director of Admissions


<p>I’m a transfer applicant at Harvard this year, and I asked this question in the transfer thread, but people weren’t really able to give me an answer. Anyway, I was just wondering if any of you guys know whether it is a “good sign” or not to receive personal emails from members of the admissions staff. I received several emails in mid-April from Harvard. Two of these emails were from the Director of Transfer Admissions. I know this seems pretty cool, but perhaps she was just the reader of my application...I know decisions are right around the corner—and acceptance lists have probably already been made—but, for some reason, the wait still seems endless. </p>

<p>About a week after receiving these emails, I was contacted for an alumni interview. (For transfer admissions not everyone gets them.) I’d appreciate any thoughts you guys might have. Thanks!</p>

<p>if they want u for an interview, then you must have some chances of getting in dude.</p>

<p>Thanks for your support, hereiam. Any other ideas?</p>

<p>It depends on what those e-mails said? What did she talk about?</p>

<p>She asked me about supplementary material. In the first email she asked me to send additional materials directly to her as soon as possible. The second one said: "Hi XXXX, sorry for the inconvenience the admissions staff has located the material you sent us. Have a great day!"</p>

<p>any other thoughts?</p>

<p>Maybe she's just being secretly flirtatious, teasing you with these personalised emails. As a male you have to make the first move. Ask her out for a dinner.</p>

<p>Then again, I'm being unnecessarily sarcastic.</p>

<p>lol, make a good case.</p>