Email from FA Office - Does It Mean Anything?

<p>Received the email as well. As preliminary as this is, it kind of adds to the excitement!</p>


<p>Doesn’t mean anything -_-</p>

<p>Well, I guess we’ll find out soon enough.</p>

<p>I’ll post my admissions decision in this thread when I get it so that next year’s people have a reference. If any of you guys want to do the same, I think that might be helpful :)</p>

<p>For the record, I forgot to submit the FA forms too, even though I marked “will apply for FA” on the Common App. Not sure what this means for those of you who received the FA email, but I certainly didn’t get an email.</p>

<p>Perhaps it means I was not admitted, but perhaps it also suggests that you are part of the lucky group that will be admitted come March 28th!</p>

<p>@californiakiwi Same dilemma here haha.</p>

<p>Also from California as well. :)</p>

<p>You can apply for financial aid even after you are accepted, just do it before you matriculate so the FA office can match other schools</p>

<p>Admitted! :)</p>

<p>admitted as well</p>

<p>Admitted! And to Yale too :)</p>

<p>My son got the email and the admit after all!</p>

<p>Received email and was admitted. Is there enough evidence yet to confirm a strong correlation between the email and acceptance?</p>

<p>admitted after receiving email. seems like there’s a STRONG correlation</p>

<p>I honestly believe any financial aid email close to deadlines which ask for specific information is a good sign. I received emails of similar variety from Duke, Chicago, Brown, Fordham, and Williams and was admitted to all. I received nothing from Dartmouth despite outstanding financial aid information and was rejected.</p>

<p>Definitely a logical, strong correlation.</p>

<p>So have we discovered a method to find out about admissions decisions early? Simply leave out a finaid form and wait for the schools to contact you?</p>

<p>LOLOL. I knew it.</p>

<p>BTW, I was waitlisted.</p>