Email from ResLife: Feel like giving up your housing?

<p>Just got an email offering the opportunity to cancel your housing up to August 14th without getting penalties. Yeah yeah yeah, screw off for the most part. But then I read the interesting bit:</p>

<p>“we will be housing several hundred students in temporary housing when they arrive later this month. This means that some new students will be living in residence hall study rooms and guest apartments, with Resident Assistants, and in a hotel.”</p>

<p>Um…wow, that must suck. Anyone know that they’ll be sleeping in a study room? The hotel part doesn’t seem too bad, since most of these dorms are like hotel rooms anyways, but a study room? Really? That’s some serious dedication right there!</p>

<p>Am I alone in thinking a university should accept <em>less</em> students when they have to start cramming them in to whatever floor space is available?</p>

<p>Oh, yes: my biggest complaint about UA (besides their awful FinAid office) is their overcrowding. They should have started turning people out long ago. Wouldn’t it be nicer to get a letter saying you aren’t guaranteed housing but then finding out you’ll get it, rather than being told you’ll get housing and then being denied it or getting a study room? One of my friends will be a study room person, which sucks for everyone: they get an awful spot, and the rest of us lose a study room!</p>

<p>Can’t wait until they start making triples… ugh.</p>

<p>"Can’t wait until they start making triples… ugh. "</p>

<p>Too late :smiley: Arizona-sonora and cochise both have triple occupancy rooms (even since last year). The kick in the groin is the fact that they charge the cochise people the exact same rate as a double!</p>

<p>Citation: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Oh, how thankful I feel to not be in those dorms! :smiley: Man, that must be awful. At least study room occupation is better for the rest of us than dorms; I can stand going to the library. Not a huge fan of their study rooms anyhow!</p>

<p>Yeah, I got that e-mail as well. Glad I had all my stuff done early. I’d hate to be one who is in limbo right now, or worse, ends up living in a study room. (Though I suppose it’d be spacious, unless they cram like 8 kids in them)</p>

<p>Yesterday, I got to see one of the newly converted study rooms. Four beds in one of the dorm libraries. Not very pretty, very tight fit. Yup, EXTREMELY glad I got stuff in really early…</p>

<p>Thank god I’m not taking any freshman level classes this semester either. I bet they’ll be totally packed and then some by the kids that aren’t registered but just show up.</p>

<p>And dear god I just had an image of biking down the mall and having to dodge even more kids who don’t look both ways. Note to self, look into adding a cow catcher to front of bike…</p>

<p>Which dorm did you see the converted study rooms? Just wondering VDP has that situation.</p>

<p>I saw Yuma converted. I wish I knew about VDP, PSP, and those since that’s where I’ll be. I’ll post back this Sunday after I move in to let you know.</p>

<p>Oh, man, freshman classes are going to be awful. Ugh. At least I’ll only have two classes that will be larger; the rest are either somewhat higher level or else capped at a really low number.</p>

<p>Update: I’m moved into PSP, and study rooms have been converted. I’d assume VDP is the same, but I haven’t met anyone over there yet to know.</p>

<p>I could have sworn the mall was waaaaayyyy less filled with stupid pedestrians last semester. Maybe I’ve just been spoiled by light summer traffic. I love how on Monday (the first day), all the lectures are completely full and they’re already down to <70% full by friday. I’ll never understand why kids (emphasis on calling them kids instead of adults) pay money to not show up to lecture.</p>

<p>^ At least it’s nice to know that at least 1% of those missing people just dropped the class. :stuck_out_tongue: The rest… well, yeah, it’s dumb to just leave like that. One of my classes dropped from 200 people to ~140 after the first lecture, and I’d be shocked if even 100 of them came to the next class.</p>

<p>On Friday, I was walking on the Mall at about 11 am, and I only saw two other people. It was the most mind-boggling thing imaginable.</p>