Can I ask you, the list of available centres for the SAT in december has the nearest centre of me getting there by 7:52 AM!!! There is no way earlier I can get there any earlier since I have to take 2 trains.
Can I ask will I still be admitted in, I have 15 minutes to decide it would be the same situation in January with regard to the centres. And I want to take the 2400 scale one. What shall I do? Should I book this now without extra time etc. or wait till January and hopefully have the extra time!
But I would only have one go at the SAT and one chance only!
Yes it is thanks for the reply. I don’t have the money to pay for it. I essentially only have two options. December or January, all the other centres even those that are full/not admitting would take longer to travel to. Would the centre let me in if I get there at 7:52 and this is google estimated time.
Are there any other modes of transportation available (e.g. personal vehicle, taxi, bus) available? If not, I might also suggest what @intparent said; arrive the night before and find a spot to crash. If doors close at 8 am, I wouldn’t risk arriving at the train station at 7:52 am.
Also that same test centre does not have the testing option in january omg.
@intparent I have two confimred disabilities but have misssed the deadline and so aim to have it done by January, I would be siting the test in december without extra time.
So… there is no guarantee they will give you the extra time, they can be quite difficult about it. A recent diagnosis isn’t usually enough, and you need to have proof you have used the accommodations you are asking for during your high school career. They can also be slow about responding, so you may or may not hear back by the January test. Honestly, most US students do their testing the year prior to this, and leave time this year for any final retesting if there is some component they are not happy with. You have waited until the very end, which is risky (as you are finding out).
I don’t have any good advice for you. Your choices are to do it in December, and ideally arrive the night before so you make it to the test for sure. Or wait until January, but it appears to be unknown where you can test. You can’t register with the disability options until you hear back from College Board, I think. So that is a risk - you may not get the accommodations anyway, and even if you do, you may not be able to find a test center with space.
I don’t know what colleges you are applying to, but not all colleges will accept the January SAT. The scores don’t get there right away, and they are reading applications in January at many schools. You need to check each school’s website for their policy. If they require SAT subject tests as well as the regular SAT and you have not taken those, that is another challenge – you can’t take that the same day as the SAT, so would need to use either the Dec or Jan date to do that, as well.
I have first decided that I must do the January exam. I am not doing the december test due to lack of time.
I have had extar tiem for my exams, in the past. I have a full report detaliling this. Due to financial constartints and being home schooled get diagnosed at such a late stage in my life is extermely dissapointing and it is a shame this fiasco was not sorted out when I was younger
I am applying next year, after I complete my a levels, I think I am the equivalent of a senior without going to a h/s.
I intend to do SAT subject tests in summer, along with my a levle exams or next octover/november.
Would it be possible for collegeboard to let me do the exam at a local test centre. I think it is unfair and pragmatic of how far away the test centres are from me, making commuting on top of preparation and other things are real hassle.
May I message you, I would prefer not to disclose too much information publicly.