Emerging Scholars Notification

<p>@sticker, have you heard of other students receiving ES admittance info? I remember the year my D applied that communication seemed to be delayed. Like @bethsmom’s D, my D withdrew her application after she was admitted to CBH (from the reserve pool…don’t give up hope) but later, much later it seems, she received a notification of rejection. I have heard that over the years the number of applicants has really increased. I’ve also heard that they are doing what they can to accommodate as many kids as they can. Hopefully it will work out for your D with one of these programs. I do understand what you mean though. My D received notice of not being selected for interview for University Fellows the night before we left for Capstone Scholars Day. It can be hard to be excited when you are feeling the sting of rejection. Honestly, I think I felt the sting more than she did though. </p>

<p>After my DD applied, she received an email that said selections would be made by July 31st.</p>

<p>That’s good to know. I don’t think my D received that email.</p>

<p>Please keep in mind that ES is open to all students, not just Honors students.</p>

<p>There may be Honors students who are rejected from ES. Honors College can help them find other research opportunities. </p>

<p>The ONLY advantages of ES is a 1 credit class teaching the basics of research in very general terms (which most diligent students can pick up on their own) and a small stipend.</p>

<p>If your student is rejected from ES, be certain to encourage them to reach out to Honors College if they are in Honors, direct to Professors and to the department heads. Not being accepted to ES should not stop them from research.</p>

<p>Just got notification through mybama email that I’m in for the Fall. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>My D is also in! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>D is in, but may have a conflict with the class time. </p>

<p>My daughter has gotten no response - should we assume she did not get accepted to ES? What is CBH?</p>

<p>I forgot my daughter applied for spring semester … Will she still get notification now?</p>

<p>Daughter got crimson email advising she was selected for spring semester! Congrats to all! </p>

<p>I got in! But…why am I placed in Spring 2015??</p>

<p>how many applied for this last year?</p>

<p>I was accepted… Roll Tide</p>

<p>Rejections were sent out this afternoon. The rejection letter listed various factors that were taken into consideration in making the decision, including a student’s participation in other programs. The letter stated that they were attempting to provide the Emerging Scholars opportunity to students who were not already taking advantage of other special opportunities such as the STEM Path to MBA program. Makes sense . . . spread the wealth.</p>

<p>I have received neither an acceptance or a rejection. I guess they have yet to process all applications. </p>

<p>@bluefish18 - If you haven’t heard anything, I’d suggest reaching out to Ann Webb, the director of the Emerging Scholars program, and asking what’s up. Here is her email: <a href=“mailto:awebb@as.ua.edu”>awebb@as.ua.edu</a>. It’s possible they’re still processing applications, but it’s also possible that something went astray. I’d ask.</p>

<p>My daughter applied last minute and she’s received nothing as well. I thought she may be on the fence and they were waiting to see how many of those accepted had changed their mind before sending the rejection??</p>

<p>^^^that could be. Those accepted have not been able to register for the class. So, Dr. Webb has no way of knowing the exact number of kids who will actually participate.</p>