FLC/Emerging Scholars

<p>S has applied to both the Freshman Learning Community (Pre-Health Biology) and the Emerging Scholars Program. When will he receive notification if he will be able to participate in either/both? Is that something he will be told at BB (July 9-10)?</p>

<p>You can contact Pamela Derrick in the FLC program and she can tell you if your S is in the FLC class. He should be in his chosen FLC class if there were still spaces available when he applied. She can also tell you which classes he will be taking as part of the program. Last year, my S was already placed in his FLC classes when he arrived at BB and his schedule had to be worked around them. </p>

<p>Pamela Derrick (205) 348-2099
<a href=“mailto:pwderrick@as.ua.edu”>pwderrick@as.ua.edu</a></p>

<p>They can be very slow to notify people about the Emerging Scholars program. People were notified at different times last year and you may or may not hear by BB. If your son does do ES in the Fall the class is offered at the following times. He should try to leave one of these times available when he plans his schedule.
W 3-3:50
W 4-4:450
R 4-4:50</p>

<p>MonroeMom, I just received notification through my mybama email that I got into ES. I don’t know if they are telling everyone at the same time though. Maybe have your S check his gmail?</p>

<p>I haven’t been notified either way yet, but I know of a couple people who have.</p>

<p>People who are receiving notification, did you apply for first or second semester?</p>

<p>Class2012Mom, I applied for 1st semester.</p>

<p>Accepted last night and also applied for first semester. I’m extremely excited, roll tide!</p>

<p>Thanks everyone ---- he did apply to first semester. Will keep checking email.</p>

<p>My daughter just received her acceptance last night for Emerging Scholars. She was accepted for first semester. We couldn’t be more excited! ROLL TIDE!!!</p>

<p>I just got accepted to the second semester, although I applied for the first semester. I’m a little annoyed, but I’ll get over it. At least I’m in the program. It’s a great opportunity.</p>

<p>I was also just accepted for the Spring semester. At first I was a little disappointed, but I suppose it would be best anyway because of MDB during the fall. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>so if I haven’t been notified yet, is it safe to say I didn’t get it?</p>

<p>^^ While I don’t know for sure, I have the impression (based on an e-mail my D got a while ago), that they do not make all the decisions at the same time.</p>

<p>Check again today. One of my friends just got accepted this morning.</p>

<p>Got the email on Friday as well. S accepted to Spring semester.</p>

<p>Mr. Milburn…</p>

<p>Email and ask. And, if you’re told that they’ve filled all the Fall and Spring spots, ask if you could be considered if a Fall or Spring student decides not to participate…and then later ask again so they know that you’re still interested.</p>

<p>My D just received an e-mail saying she got accepted into the Fall spot of Emerging Scholars. She is thrilled as she thought she did not get in. Yay!</p>


<p>Yup my D got her email for Spring … she is pretty excited!</p>

<p>Congrats, we thought that since all those kids earlier received notification that DD was not in the running, so it was an awesome surprise for her. She is thrilled! And thanks vlines. :-)</p>