Emerging Scholars Program

<p>I’m an incoming freshman who is considering applying for the Emerging Scholars Program. For those who previously took part in the program, how did you guys feel about it? Was it truly beneficial to you, or was it really just extra time spent doing things that ultimately proved unnecessary? I understand that several hours are spent per week, so I don’t want to take part unless it would help. For the record, I am very interested in research opportunities and would be more than happy working with professors.</p>

<p>^^^If you are truly passionate about research, then take part in any program where you can participate in a lab setting and perform research. There is always some “grunt” work involved, especially when you are low man on the totem pole in a lab, but you do have to begin somewhere.
I have only heard very good things about this program and I think that you should investigate and find out if this program is for you.
I am not sure what you mean by “beneficial”, I believe that any experiences and extra learning opportunities are worth while.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many credits the course that you take for Emerging Scholars is?</p>

<p>My son is a freshman engineering student in the program. It is a two semester deal. The first semester (1 credit) you meet weekly for an hour as a group. The second semester (2 credits) you do your own research. My son just started this spring so he is in the preliminary phase. He is still talking to professors about what he will be doing in the fall as research. He was told to expect 6-9 hours per week working on your project. But that is variable depending on what you do. He really hasn’t said much about it. He is more concerned on how he is going to handle fitting the marching band into his schedule:)</p>

<p>He was given the choice last summer after he was accepted into the program to either start in the fall or the spring. He chose the spring due to the time committments of marching band.</p>

<p>XX…getting your foot in the door for research opps is always beneficial. Even if ES is only for one year, you’re getting experience that will lead to other opps.</p>

<p>Are there any Emerging Scholars opportunities for Computer Science?</p>

<p>I think the bolded part is interesting…</p>

<p>I don’t know how major-specific the program is…I would contact Dr. Webb and ask.</p>

<p><a href=“http://emergingscholars.ua.edu/[/url]”>http://emergingscholars.ua.edu/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“http://emergingscholars.ua.edu/about-the-program/[/url]”>http://emergingscholars.ua.edu/about-the-program/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Who can apply?</p>

<p>Any regularly admitted student who is entering The University of Alabama for the first year of full-time university study is eligible for the Emerging Scholars Program.* Students who have been part of the Capstone Summer Honors program in previous years; who enter for the first time during the summer semester; who have substantial numbers of AP or IB credits but who are chronological freshmen; and who have dual enrollment credits are all eligible for admission.** If you have already attended Bama Bound and have a fall semester schedule, you are still eligible to join the Emerging Scholars Program and, if modest changes in your schedule are needed, Dr. Webb and your college advisors will assist you in making those adjustment.* This is a University-wide program available to students in all of the colleges that compose The University of Alabama.</p>

<p>What is the application process?</p>

<p>It is very simple.* Please email Dr. Ann Webb informing of her of your desire to participate in the program.* In the email, you should include your full name, your campus-wide identification number, and a brief statement of why you would like to be an Emerging Scholar (what benefit do you think the program will be to you) and a short description of an issue or topic that you find compelling and would like to know more about.* Two short paragraphs are sufficient.* Dr. Webb’s email is <a href=“mailto:awebb@as.ua.edu”>awebb@as.ua.edu</a>.</p>

<p>What is an Emerging Scholar asked to do? *</p>

<p>For the fall semester, students enroll in a one credit hour course.* The course is UA 155 and its purpose is to prepare the student for engagement in research.* The students meet their faculty mentors toward the end of the fall semester and begin working with that mentor later in the fall semester.</p>

<p>During the spring semester, the student enrolls in UA 156 and begins working on the research project with the faculty mentor.* The research, documented most often through a disciplinary research course, and UA 156 will usually combine to account for two to three hours of degree credit.* The students in the program who are awarded Work-Study financial aid are able to count the research as fulfilling their work requirement, but these students would also enroll in at least one hour of UA 156 credit.</p>

<p>Each spring, The University of Alabama holds its Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Conference.* Emerging Scholars are expected to present their work at that conference.* This is usually done by a poster presentation, but other types of presentations are possible.</p>

<p>After the first year, students in Emerging Scholars may be asked to serve as peer mentors for in-coming Emerging Scholars, which is a helpful and useful activity, but the real value of the program is as the doorway to a sustained involvement in research.* Working with the same faculty mentor over several years provides great advantages to students as they plan and seek admission to medical school, graduate school, or employment.</p>


<p>Thanks guys! I applied for it so I guess we’ll see. It does seem very interesting, and worst case scenario I get research experience that requires work I don’t want to do.</p>

<li>The students in the program who are awarded Work-Study financial aid are able to count the research as fulfilling their work requirement, but these students would also enroll in at least one hour of UA 156 credit.</li>

<p>I submitted my application about two and a half weeks ago. Does anyone know if I will receive some kind of letter or email or something if I’m accepted? And if so, what is the ETA?</p>

<p>My daughter applied by email a few weeks ago and hasn’t heard anything back yet.</p>

<p>I applied about a month ago now, and didn’t hear back, so I e-mailed Dr. Webb last week, and she said that my application had been recieved and that she’d “be in touch shortly.”</p>

<p>Does anyone know when the class UA 155 meets, or what the options are? I’m going to BamaBound tomorrow and don’t want to end up with a schedule that can’t fit it in.</p>

<p><a href=“http://mybama.ua.edu/cp/render.UserLayoutRootNode.uP?uP_tparam=utf&utf=https://ssb.ua.edu/pls/PROD/bwckctlg.p_disp_dyn_ctlg[/url]”>http://mybama.ua.edu/cp/render.UserLayoutRootNode.uP?uP_tparam=utf&utf=https://ssb.ua.edu/pls/PROD/bwckctlg.p_disp_dyn_ctlg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Looks like the class is 3-3:50 OR 4-4:50 Wed. in Lloyd Hall, room 329.</p>

<p>CRN 44922 for the 3pm UA 155 section 1 </p>

<p>CRN 48511 for the 4pm UA 155 section2</p>

<p>Thanks a bunch!</p>