Emerging scholars?

<p>Today my dad and I talked on the phone to an Honors College Representative and she brought up a program-separate from the Honors College-called the Emerging Scholars program. My understanding is that it allows you to take graduate level courses in place of undergraduate ones in order to earn credit towards your bachelors degree and towards a masters. Am I understanding this correctly? Has anyone had any experience with this program? </p>

<p>By the way I applied to the finance major in the Culverhouse college, if that is relevant.</p>


<p>Sounds like you have 2 different programs mixed up. Emerging Scholars is a program designed to introduce students into research opportunities. 1 hour class the first semester where you learn about research and hear from various Professors about the research they are doing. Starting the second semester you are matched with a Prof and start doing research in their lab. DS participated and has been in the same Bio lab since the start of his second semester. This is not just for sciences, research is offered in many areas.</p>

<p>The program you are asking about is called University Scholars. You start taking mester level courses while you are finishing up your undergrad and can obtain your master at the same time or shortly after you get your bachelors. DS is also in University Scholars and is starting some of his master levels courses this fall.</p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>