Emerson College Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

3.9 unweighted (no AP classes at her school), 1360 SAT

I got in EA to Media Arts Production and a merit scholarship!


My daughter got in!!! So excited and proud. Congrats to all. I can breathe again.

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I got into media/film! my gpa is about 3.9, no test scores. lots of ECs and worked hard on my essays, submitted a creative sample- good luck to everyone

I got into media arts production as well! Congratulations!

Got in EA to the creative writing program! YAY!!!

Just got in for Journalism plus a merit scholarship!! so excited :slight_smile:


Test Optional
GPA : 3.5
Weighted GPA : 4.2

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I’m wondering, has anyone not received an update yet about their admissions decision?

Curious about honors college criteria - does anybody know? Is it meant for the kids with outstanding academic credentials or something else? Thanks!

I got into the honors program. There was a separate essay you had to write and yes I believe it’s mostly based on academic/extracurricular achievement.

thanks! would love to hear your stats/ECs if you’re comfortable sharing.

My daughter got in!!! Performing Arts :slight_smile: so proud and happy!!!


accepted! but it doesn’t say anything about a scholarship. where do you see that info?

Sure! I have a 4.18 Weighted GPA, 1320 SAT (630 math, 690 reading), and lots of EC’s. I participate in theater at my school and in my town, I play varsity volleyball, started my own club, and I am part of many other clubs. I think what really got me in though were my essays. I applied to the Creative Writing Program and so I made sure my essays were really strong and I feel that was a deciding factor.

It should have been in your acceptance letter.

thanks again and good luck!!

It was - she didn’t get in to the honors program and was a little shocked. she has top notch academics but clearly they were looking for something more!

thanks. 4.1GPA, tons of ECs and thought strong portfolio. thought might get me something. oh well.