EMSAP at Alabama

Is getting into the EMSAP program at University of Alabama difficult? Would I have a chance?
I have an unweighted 4.0 and a weighted 4.4.

I’m taking 5 honors classes this year and 6 next year.
I have a 32 on ACT and am taking it again after some classes.
I am captain of robotics and racquetball and am president for Youth and Government and Beta Chi Pi (the science club).

I believe this EMSAP is at UAB. This is the UA (Tuscaloosa) forum. (And, why are most of the threads on UAB forum locked?! They’re old, yes, but still, valuable info…)

CC now locks threads that have been inactive a few months. You can flag one and ask for it to be reopened.

EMSAP is at UAB…a different campus. Yes, the med school is called The University of Alabama, but it’s on UAB’s campus so we call it UAB med school for clarity.

It is getting more and more competitive. When my son was a high school senior 8 years ago, one of his classmates applied and was accepted. I believe his stats were an ACT 33 and 4.X GPA with medically related ECs.

That was 8 years ago. Likely things have gotten more and more competitive, especially for those OOS.

Retest and try to get an ACT 34+ for a better chance.

Also…I’ve recently seen OOS students accepted to USA’s early admission program with stats like yours.

University of South Alabama (USA)