Ended my supplement with "... Wharton is my dream school" - big mistake?

<p>@overachiever92 - yep intl… Swedish ;)</p>

<p>I love Sweden :), I’ve been there several times. What do your stats look like?</p>

<p>Haha glad you love Sweden :smiley: hot people, ikea and polar bear attacks are awesome! :wink:
Check out my chance me thread for stats! <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1062868-chance-swede-wharton-harvard-yale-etc.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1062868-chance-swede-wharton-harvard-yale-etc.html&lt;/a&gt; Chance me with regard to this thread and my insecurity about My supplement essays. :P</p>

<p>Skojar bara, jag e Svensk ockso lol, hoppas vi ses po Penn :D, Dina ECs ser ganska bra ut.</p>

<p>My last paragraph just summed up why Penn is a great fit for me/ why I am a great fit for Penn. Super cheesy, my last sentence was “Hand in hand, Penn and I will both continue to achieve.” </p>

<p>I’m guessing that a lot of applicants ended similarly though. I mean, I don’t think you can imply that Penn is your number one without saying that, or saying something along those lines</p>

<p>These were my last sentences for my essay: </p>

<p>Perhaps you have read this essay and are convinced that my paranoia is unjustified, but I beg to differ. I am simply remaining cautious regarding a possible zombie apocalypse. In other words, I am a man with a plan. </p>

<p>Sounds crazy? Sure, but in the overall picture, it ended my essay with a huge bang and completed my thought process.</p>

<p>@Jasonvdm - you’re trollin right?</p>

<p>I don’t think it will help or hurt you, its the rest of the essay that will matter. In my Stanford essay I said something similar.</p>

<p>Don’t lose sleep over it, it won’t affect your decision. I think they know that everyone that applies to Wharton would love to go there, they’re not going to reject you for actually stating it.</p>

<p>No, i’m not Swede. I’m dead serious. I wrote about zombies.</p>

<p>I’d be more concerned that you wrote Wharton and not Penn than that it’s cliche.
Wharton is a part of Penn, I doubt they would want people who are clearly going there only for Wharton and not the entire Penn culture, just my 2 cents</p>