Endicott College

Any input on Endicott College from recent students or parents? I have heard a myriad of things ranging from kind of like high school to great experiences but these are opinions from years ago…curious as to what more recent experiences are like…Thanks in advance!

I live about 20 minutes from Endicott, and several of my kids’ friends go there. It’s basically an extension of high school for them. But we are from the area, and many kids from the LPS go there, so that could be why. If a kid isn’t local, their experience will likely be different.

Have known family members who went there/are there. All from Metro Boston (and a few specifically from the North Shore). The grads have all stayed local.

They’ve all been pretty happy there. Strikes me as a good option for a kid who doesn’t want the hustle of a huge campus. It has a very low profile outside of the area though- not a problem for a kid who wants to stay in MA, but it’s not well known even in the rest of New England.

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My daughter graduated from Endicott in 2022. She absolutely LOVED her 4 years there. As a matter of fact she wished she could do it all again! She was a Biology major and it was definitely tough, (she was also a student athlete), but doable. As a result of the great academics at Endicott she was accepted into a master’s degree physician assistant program right after graduation. She thrived there made tons of friends, lived on campus all 4 years with the exception of her study abroad year/COVID year. It is a beautiful, vibrant campus. You can hear music playing throughout the campus most days. They are expanding and the new buildings are gorgeous! The food from Callahan (the dining hall) is fair to good according to her. Lots of school spirit. Very supportive professors and staff. We are from New Hampshire so she met all new people at Endicott and had no trouble there. She had a great experience and we were thrilled with all she got to take away from her time there.

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It’s one of D23’s final schools! Hoping to have a decision made next week. We visited from NJ recently and loved it - beautiful campus, great curriculum, commitment to internships. 3 internships are required to graduate and they seem to offer a lot of support to get the internships - and they are with great companies. The only downside in my mind was that it seemed a little quiet. But the kids looked happy enough when we visited. Felt like the faculty would be very hands on and D23 would gain a lot of experience there.

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