Engineering Academies

@TXRunningMom I believe that the Austin academy is a smaller group and that there is no separate living leaning dorm. However, TAMU staffs all the academy engineering professors. These programs are all active. You might contact Jackie Perez at TAMU, the overseer for all these programs, to get information on the current layout at ACC. All of these Academy groups have been growing.

Anyone have any info on the Engineering academy in San Antonio?

My son has applied to the Brenham academy and has received the application link for A&M and submitted that as well. Howdy shows complete and under review.

Have any decisions been released for the academies other than Blinn Bryan? Any ideas how long it takes to hear back after submitting the application?

@EngDad2024 The Blinn website says decisions are usually released 4-8 weeks after a student’s TAMU file is complete, or as soon as April. (Item #3 toward the bottom of the linked page. I knew I had seen that timeline somewhere – there’s just so much info to read out there!)


My son is a senior and currently getting ready to apply to the A&M Engineering academy in Dallas College. I was wondering if anybody can give me an idea of the process. I understand that there is pre-qualification phase. He seems to be prequalified based on his 11th grade SAT math score and his HS GPA. He still needs to retake SAT for 12th grade and hopes to improve on the 11th grade score.
Once you get the prequalification notification from Dallas College THEN you apply to A&M?
Can anybody give me some insight on what does the A&M engineering academy application look like? Will there be an essay? I assume there will be some place to note extra curriculars, awards etc. just trying to get all our ducks in a row. Thank you! Also, any insight on how competitive the Dallas Academy is? He has perfect grades including a 4.0 in several Dual Enrollment classes. Thankfully we didn’t take more of he would not qualify for the academy! He wants to raise his SAT and is currently working on that. National Hispanic Recognition Scholar, Boy Scout, Black Belts in Karate as well as working as an instructor, honor societies for HS and College (Dual Enrollment). I am hoping this will be enough as the program seems to be a perfect fit for him. He actually likes the idea of staying home for two more years and then transferring to A&M.

The prequalification form will open up on 11/15/2021. Fill it up as soon as possible.
Once prequalification passed, you will receive instructions on how to proceed to apply for A&M admission. This most likely come in December or January.

Essays are in Apply Texas. Even though stated as optional, still write as much as you can. Especially explaining what engineering you want to study and why you choose this path to A&M. More importantly, why A&M will be good fit for you. You can also upload Essays in A&M AIS portal after A&M application started.

Dallas Academy has more work load as required by A&M as compared to regular dual enrollment classes. It is not “difficult” if that’s what you are referring as competitiveness. Your son will be fine with dual enrollment experience as it will be very much the same.

In order to achieve 3.75 GPA (to get to your first choice A&M Engineering major), it is best to retake all necessary Pre-Calculus and Calculus to get easy As. Even if you have a lot of Dual enrollment, you may want to state that you plan to retake them in application to avoid getting denied simply because there won’t be enough courses to take for two years.

This program is great financially as you save room and board money and lower tuition. And your son is academically more prepared than others.


Thanks so much! Knowing that he wanted to do engineering we stayed away from any math/science credits as that was advised to us. He has his Gov credits out of the way, English credits and Foreign Language. He still has plenty of core to get through and all the math/sciences so that is very good news.

We are not worried about the load once he is admitted, but slightly worried getting admitted.
He took the SAT in 11th grade without any prep and made a 1200 which is not great. 650 math. Not his day in English AT ALL that day. He plans on retaking and on the couple practice tests he has taken he has scored higher in the 1300s range. Although prequalification is 600 math, we are hoping that his bad sat score won’t basically take him out of the running for the academy. I am not finding a whole lot on SAT range apart from the prequalification info, or acceptance rates etc
 so it makes me a little uneasy.

We are homeschoolers, so we dont have a class rank to fall back on.He has taken most of his sciences and maths at professional cooperatives where grades and workload come from “outside” the home along with the Dual Enrollment. So hopefully that proves his readiness.He has plenty of extra curriculars. I do think SAT will come up but he hasn’t had a lot of exposure to standardized testing, nor have we invested any money in prep, which maybe was a mistake.
We are going to be applying to Dallas College ASAP, all his DE has been at Collin.

Agree on the program, apart from considerable money savings, I am an immigrant and this approach is an excellent fit, culturally, for us. We like the idea of the transition vs out of the house right away. And we like the idea of graduating with no debt thanks to the lower total cost. Thanks so much for your input! We will be ready to go as soon as things open and hope things will work out!

SAT or ACT only play one part of the application. Having high score helps students from unranked high school to admit to main College Station campus.

There are a lot of students with 1200 SAT doing good at colleges especially in A&M. Mostly because exams in colleges are not time-crunch exams like SAT.

Once prequalification opens, immediately start working on it. Do not let essays delay the process. Essays will be good opportunities for explaining the low score (not time-crunch testing person, pandemic, not good when having to wear masks
) Good DC GPA is an important factor in your case.

Good Luck and share your experience in this journey!

Will do - Thank you!


I am a freshman college student at CC and I just finished my application through TAMU for the Engineering Academy at Blinn Brenham and was wondering my chances of getting as my scores aren’t great. I have a 1200 SAT as well as a 3.6 GPA first semester of CC (B in algebra I know). On the plus side I was already pre-qualified and I have been told acceptance from TAMU after that is usually pretty high. Any insight or help into this would be greatly appreciated!


Wanted to update the thread and let you know that he was admitted! He finalized his TAMU application around the 10th March and received admission this week. His SAT did come up from that 1200 and he focused on strong essays and a good resume to present to TAMU. He had letters of recommendation from math/science teachers to upload that did not make it to the application because he was admitted faster than we were expecting.
We have a friend whose son has walked this a&m engineering academy path ahead of us and I am happy to report he has had a seamless transition to A&M and is excelling in college station. It is great to know someone personally that has been through this process and has had success. Good luck to all!


That’s fantastic. We’ll expect the same scenario with your son and you can come back and share next year!!! Congrats.

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