Engineering and Medical

Hey! I was wondering if it was possible to be in aeronautical engineering and complete the medical school requirements? Are there any institutions where this is possible?

Thank You!

Yes. It depends how smart you are. I knew one mechanical engineering graduate going to medical school after he started his engineering job. Caltech or MIT engineering students only need to take a few more classes to complete medical admission requirements. Students at other rigorous engineering schools can do that too. These schools require students to take chemistry and biology for general engineering requirements. The hard part is to get high grades in engineering classes.

You might have to take an extra semester unless you have a lot of APs or are able to overload your schedule a bit.

You can complete the pre-med requirements just about anywhere that has the aeronautical engineering program. The challenge will be squeezing in the bio and chem classes that aren’t in your major. So take a look at the program, and see where you could fit those classes in.