Engineering at Miami

<p>S2 is ready to apply as a HS senior. His interests are mainly Mechanical/EE/CS.</p>

<p>Wondering if anyone here can shed some light on the majors above and how the professors are in theses depts. Overall we know that UM is a good option for him, just trying to get some firsthand info on the specific majors, thanks.</p>

<p>No real professor interaction I can report on, however, within the EE there are two subspecialties which are quite well known at Miami: Audio Engineering and Wireless Communication. These are leading national programs, and the Frost School of Music also offers the nation’s first Bachelor of Music degree in Music Engineering Technology, another niche speciality beyond just an ME/EE.</p>

<p>I also want to find out more about engineering at Miami for my DS, a current HS junior who is seriously interested in the school. We’ll be down in February and will see if we can meet with a prof and student from the engineering school. Would love other imput in the meantime. </p>

<p>We’ve already visited, did the info session and tour, but now need to look more in-depth at engineering there. We’ve visited other schools that are more highly rated in engineering but DS just loves the U!</p>