Engineering at Miami

<p>How is University of Miami in engineering? I know they have it but how does the program stack up. And what fields of engineering are they best in</p>

<p>Seems impressive to me but my DS just started so time will tell…</p>

<p>School of Engineering was very informative during admissions process, by phone , email and in person.</p>

<p>Trying to determine of University of Miami of Ohio’s engineering programs are ABET certified. Searched their website and keep being referred to an old website, evidently the new site was activated just a month or so ago. Anyone well versed in the engineering school?</p>

<p>SpaceCoastMom - are you asking about U of Miami in Coral Cables, FL (this thread) or Miami University of Ohio? You asked above about University of Miami of Ohio which doesn’t exist. That may affect your search.</p>

<p>My son is a BME major at UM (Coral Gables).We were impressed with the program - that’s why we were totally comfortable with him picking it over Lehigh and Maryland. David Poole, director of admissions at the engineering school at UM, would be a good person for you to connect with.</p>

<p>LinyMom, my son is a BME freshman at UM this year? I wonder if we talk on the UM parent’s facebook page? I’. Shannon. :slight_smile: We were impressed with the Biomedical Engineering program as it has 4 tracks to choose from–Mechanical, Electrical, Tissues & Stem Cells, and Pre-Med.</p>

<p>@4ChicksMom‌ Yes, and we’ve hung out together too! Will message you on FB.</p>

<p>My son is also a BME freshman at UM and is doing very well. He chose UM over Duke and Cornell. He just felt that UM was a better “fit” for him academically and socially. So far, so good. </p>