Engineering Full

<p>Any upcoming Freshman admitted to the University but not into Engineering because it was full?? Has anyone heard it's a problem to transfer into Engineering once you are at the University? Should this deter accepting your spot at A&M altogether if Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering is what you really want to do. </p>

<p>Have had advice to select math or physics as a major for now, make grades and transfer in after the first semester or first year. Has anyone heard of not being able to transfer into engineering, even if required grades are made, due to spots unavailable in the engineering program?</p>

<p>Seems highly unlikely with the growth of the Engineering School, but just wanted some input into any thoughts on this situation. </p>

<p>Would love to attend A&M, but certainly need to know an Engineering spot would be available as soon as possible.</p>

<p>Sure there’s a chance you can transfer, but there’s also a chance that you won’t. Your choice mate</p>

<p>What other schools are you looking at? You could always go to Texas Tech for engineering and attempt to transfer to A&M engineering ASAP. That way, you’re majoring in engineering no matter what.</p>

<p>Wondered if there were any other Freshman in the same situation and if they had a plan to major in something that would feed into the Engineering School the next semester or end of Freshman year. What Major for now? Thanks!</p>

<p>I know someone who did that as a freshman, and now as a sophomore, she has been accepted into Engineering (but another type). For awhile, she was just General Studies.
Don’t know which part of the state you’re interested in, but have heard good things about U of H’s Engineering program.</p>

<p>Thank you for all the insight, actually coming from OOS, have been accepted at another school for Engineering, but love A&M and would like to be an Aggie in the Engineering School.</p>

<p>I applied in Dec closer to the deadline, was admitted, and Engineering was already full. Didn’t realize with the rolling admission how fast Engineering fills up. Coming out for a visit and hope we will get some answers then. Just wondered if anyone in the same boat and if they trusted it would work out with the department growing so much. </p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Coming from a freshman EE major, there’d be no problem if your majored in math/physics your first semester, since you’ll end up having to take those courses anyway. There’s only one major-oriented course you take first semester (ENGR111), but many people opt to that second semester either because of schedule conflicts or because the course’s full. ENGR112 is also second semester, but you can take both of those at the same time.</p>

<p>Thank you Izelkay. That is what i was thinking and feel a lot better hearing that from someone in currently in the program. Thanks so much for responding and giving me some much needed advice. Best to you!</p>