Engineering or Business?

<p>Is Engineering or Business easier to get into out of state?</p>

<p>In general, the college of letters and sciences (where you would be admitted as a pre-business major) is easier to get into than the college of engineering.</p>

<p>You don't apply for Haas until sophomore year whereas you need to apply to Engineering initially. It'll be easier to get into UC Berkeley at all with a pre-business major, but once you are in, you'll have to apply if you want a business major. I'm not whether engineering or business is more difficult to get into...but realize that you can't apply for the business school off the bat.</p>

<p>Unless you are a transfer, which changes everything.</p>

<p>im not a transfer. i understand that i cant apply straight to business school.... i just meant getting into cal on the engineering track or the business track.</p>

<p>thanks for the input</p>

<p>don't apply just because it's easier, apply to what you find more interesting. you may find it more difficult to transfer into Haas or COE later than you would by getting in as a freshman.
good luck!</p>

i just meant getting into cal on the engineering track or the business track.


getting in for freshman year, business would be easier, since college of letters and science - undeclared - business adm. is easier than college of engineering. then comes applying for junior year, the haas school of business has ~55% acceptance rate</p>

<p>thanks for helping</p>