Engineering Plus - Details?

<p>I have seen mention of the Engineering Plus program, and I have the website: </p>

<p>[Engineering</a> Plus - Undergraduate Students - The College of Engineering - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Engineering”></p>

<p>But it does not really explain “the program”. Is this like a minor, or a specialty stamp on your degree, or just extracurricular/extended opportunities that do not get a mention on your transcript other than possibly courses/research/co-ops you participate in? </p>

<p>Anyone have a better description or details? </p>

<p>Thanks !</p>

<p>[Engineering</a> Plus - Undergraduate Students - The College of Engineering - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Engineering”></p>

<p>I’m not sure, but it seems to me that Engineering+ shows eng’g students all what’s out there for them…as undergrads, research, broad applications, global applications, etc.</p>

<p>If you find anything out please let us know. DS has asked his advisor about this since it was announced and there is literally no information about it. I asked Chuck Karr about it and he had no solid information. The website has no information. This one particular area I find so disappointing - the brief info on the website could certainly convince a student that he would have the chance to continue with his other interest areas while at the COE.
I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to have the one combination DS has been trying to put together himself (across colleges), dangled there like it is really an option with COE support.
At this point it smacks of being totally misleading. if the program is not ready and students can’t take advantage of it then don’t mention it as a highlight.
Sorry - you hit on one of my major frustrations with DSs UA experience right now.</p>

<p>M2CK- it might just be a highlight, but the web page really makes it look like an official “program”. One with a plan/purpose/ even direction. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>^ exactly.
Otherwise, if you want to combine COE with another college you are literally on your own. Try DegreeWorks, add in some things from the catalog and hope for the best. Neither DSs COE or A&S major advisors are clear on what needs to happen to actually end up with the dual degrees, or the impact of the respective courseloads to properly advise. The result is a much more difficult path than it has needed to be. Very frustrating.</p>

<p>I just sent an email. Hopefully, we’ll get an answer in the next few business days.</p>

<p>Not related to this issue, but relevant to some…</p>

<p>For more information about undergraduate research opportunities, contact:</p>

<p>Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics – Dr. Stan Jones or Dr. Amy Lang
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering – Dr. Ken Fridley or Ekandrea Tarver
Chemical and Biological Engineering – Dr. Heath Turner
Computer Science – Dr. Allen Parrish, Dr. Monica Anderson or Dr. Nicholas Kraft
Electrical and Computer Engineering – Dr. Tim Haskew
Mechanical Engineering – Dr. Clark Midkiff
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering – Dr. Viola Acoff</p>

<p>My son was told last spring that Dr Jones (aerospace) is retiring. He was trying to do some research with him this semester for the emerging scholars program. He is currently working under Dr. Lang but truthfully he hasn’t had too much to report.</p>

<p>And I think that is an old list for CS too. To find the current research opportunities in CS, you should probably go to the CS research page instead. I would link it, but do not know how on my phone.</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

In the past few years has any new information about the Engineering Plus program become available? Has anyone had a student participate? The website is still very vague.

And since this thread was started Dr. Fridley is no longer the contact for the Civil department as he was fairly recently promoted and is now the Senior Associate Dean for Administration. The Department head for civil is now Dr. Edward Back.

Ha! Blast from the past! :wink: I love when people dig up old threads! :wink:

This program name reminds me of Purdue’s program (can’t recall the exact name of that one)…suffice it to say that this is not something overly specific or special at UA…this website just writes about all of the things that an engineering student can (and should) get involved with while attending college. Every engineering program worth its salt offers ways to get its students involved in community work, service-based learning, overseas programs, and research opportunities, and of course with the end result being to become better global citizens. It’s the liberal arts arm of engineering. I hazard a guess that that UA webpage was put up there to specifically catch the eye of those students who are looking for those buzzwords, based on having visited other universities. Almost every university will have a 1st-year experience; an engineering mentor program; and some sort of “plus”, with all of the opportunities listed. UA is no exception - it’s all here if you want it! :wink: