Engineering Porfolio Link in CommonApp

Would it make sense to include a link to a website that has some pictures of the various engineering projects I’ve worked on over the years?

Some of them are described in-text of the activities section, but I was wondering if a website engineering portfolio would make any sort of difference.

Any URLs that are put into the additional info section of the Common App don’t automatically get converted into hyperlinks. So they will appear only as plaintext. In order for the admissions officer to get to the website, they will have to manually cut and paste the URL into a web browser.

Although this doesn’t sound like a lot of work, most admissions officers won’t take the effort to do this. So it might be better to describe in words what kind of work you’ve done, and include that into the Common App. So in case they don’t take the time to go to your website, the message can still be conveyed.

From what I’ve heard, URLs annoy admissions officers.

Not sure about Harvard, but generally, AOs are NOT supposed to click on those links for security reasons.

So it would not be wise to include it? Or would it be fine?

You can include it, but most likely, it’d be ignored.

Once your application has been submitted, you can upload a pdf to the portal with few photos from your website and a link – that’s probably the way to go.