Engineering Scheduling Question


<p>I have a question regarding a transfer into Mechanical Engineering. </p>

<p>I'm currently a Biology major at VT, but I want to switch into Mechanical Engineering. I'm beginning my second year this Fall, but I do not have credit for the following courses:</p>

<p>Math 1206: Calculus II
Phys 2305: Foundations of Physics
Phys 2305: Foundations of Physics Lab
Math 1224: Vector Geometry
Enge 1114: Engineering Design
Engl 1106: Freshman English</p>

<p>I do have credit for the following:
Biol 1105 - Biology I
Biol 1125 - Biology Lab
Chem 1035 - General Chem
Chem 1045 - Chem Lab
Math 1205 - Calculus I
Math 1114 - Linear Algebra
Engl 1105 - English
Biol 1106 - Biology II
Biol 1126 - Biology Lab II
Enge 1024 - Engineering Exploration (Taken over the summer)</p>

<p>I want to transfer to Engineering as soon as possible so that I am not so far behind that I end up graduating in 2015. If possible, I would like to transfer to MechE in the Spring, take some courses in ME that semester, do some more courses over the summer, and be back on track for a 2014 Spring or Fall graduation.</p>

<p>Is it possible?</p>

<p>I am looking at New River Community College and they do offer EGR 115 - Engineering Design, which is the ENGE 1114 equivalent, so that would not be a problem since it is a night class. What about the rest of those courses? What about the first semester sophomore courses in ME? Are those available in the Spring? I could possibly take Differential Equations over the summer if you all recommend it. Let me know.</p>

<p>Sure I’d say it’s possible, there are a lot of 1000/2000 and some 3000 level courses offered in the summers here and a lot you can take at a community college. You just have to be willing to be taking classes non stop though. By the way its really tough to graduate in 4 years in engineering. You have to be willing to take 17 to 18 credits each semester on average with no co-ops otherwise. Most do it in 5 and even some like myself take nearly 6 if you take time off to work a semester or end up switching engineering majors.</p>