<p>The Engineering School Open House is Feb 21st. There will be info on all departments, speakers throughout the day, open labs/workshops, capstone projects on display, and guided tours of the school as a whole and individual departments as well.<br>
Google "UVA Engineering School" for the complete schedule and more information.</p>
<p>Everybody gets this invitation right?</p>
<p>I received one today.</p>
<p>Anyone who applied to SEAS will probably get an invite, but that’s just my guess. I don’t think likely letters will have gone out for Rodman prospectives yet, much less specialized letters for the open house.<br>
Even so, you should definitely try to come visit on that day if you can. While tour groups might be a bit larger, you’ll have the opportunity to see the school openly, visit specific departments, and more people will be available to answer specific questions about departments.</p>