English 103H vs. English 101 and 102

<p>Can anyone share the differences between these 2 options? Ds is looking about both and is definitely interested in the 103 option but wonders what the workload difference is.</p>

<p>My son took 103 his freshman year (Rhetoric of Comics & Cartoons with Melissa Hull) and found the course to be awesome. Fantastic teacher and a very manageable workload.</p>

<p>Thanks. The one he is looking at is something similar to that—sounds like a fun class. He was just wondering if it was twice the load since it counts for both. </p>

<p>As long as he qualifies to take the 103, do it! </p>

<p>Is he not taking AP English?</p>

<p>Hands down, take the English 103. If your student has been in either Honors or AP English classes before, this will not difficult for them. They will have a smaller class (max 25), and interesting discussions and then writing papers. The workload is not at all ominous. This is a good way to meet other incoming freshman, too, as the class is small.</p>

<p>No, he isn’t taking AP English. We homeschool and approach lit and English differently. He is a strong student, so thanks for the insight, @aeromom. It sounds like it will be a good fit.</p>

<p>Glad to hear the resounding endorsement for the class. Thank you for taking the time to answer. :)</p>

<p>We homeschool as well, and my freshman daughter took English 103. She said it was not difficult at all, and she loved the small class size.</p>

<p>My D took EN 103. She liked her teacher, enjoyed the class and did well in it. She had not taken honors English in high school, FWIW, but didn’t find this class to be difficult. On that basis, I’d say that if your student qualifies for the class, he should take it.</p>