Honors English 103 and Honors Elective Questions

Anybody have any insight as to how difficult this class is or what teachers are like? How about electives your Honors kids have taken and liked (or not liked), Preferred profs? My DS will be starting at UA in August and I am starting to research a suggested schedule to bring to Bama Bound. Thanks!

Honors EN 103 is not ‘difficult’ for those bright, engaging students who did well with HS English. The classes are capped at a fairly low # of students per section (18?), being an HC class. There are a variety of subjects that change each year - so pick one that sounds interesting! Other electives for HC students would be trying to get an Honors seminar under their belt (UH120 or UH155). There are many 1-, 2-, and 3-credit hour ones to choose from and are a great introduction to the Honors College curriculum. UH155 courses are capped at 15 students and open only to Freshman. Some of the UH120 sections are labeled for FR only as well. Good luck with your choices! Exciting!

IHP105 is another class worth looking into? It involves a fair amount of volunteer time (factored into the class credit hours), meeting with international students to share both cultural and linguistic exchanges. My S never could fit this in…but some other families who sent me PMs about it, their students enjoyed it.

My DS found that English 103 really varied by professor - in terms of what material was presented. Unfortunately, there did not appear to be any way to predict what the theme would be. He happened to get a very dry professor who had them discussing the classics at 8 am. He would have much preferred one of the professors who presented Science Fiction, or something like that. He still learned something, but didn’t “enjoy” it.

Thanks for all the info and your kind wishes. This board is the best! P.S. Since he has some say in the matter, my son would never be caught discussing any dry subject at 8 am. LOL, I remember falling asleep and partly out of my chair in 8 am religion class freshman year

The EN 103 subjects are listed in class schedule listing. They do vary but they should not come as a surprise to anyone. You should choose a subject that interests your student.

I took EN 103 and it was a lot of fun. My class was all on Joss Whedon and we just watched his works and wrote about them. If you take 103 Id suggest picking an interesting topic rather than the generic one.

Was the EN103 class you took called “To Boldly Go: Science Fiction and Society”? It sounds like the kind of thing my son would love. What professor did you have (if you don’t mind me asking)?

That was not the name of mine. But my professor was Catherine Winn. She is really sweet but she is a tough grader.

My ds took a sci-fi one and loved the class. It was only offered as a single section at night, though. He thought it was worth it, though.

My DS also took the sci-fi one and liked the class. The professor was Brandi Hodo. She was good. He looked through the class schedule listings and picked a topic that interested him.

Thanks for the replies everyone!

My daughter didn’t find EN103 to be particularly difficult, and was happy to have freshman composition over in one semester rather than two. FWIW, she took standard (not honors) English in HS and English was far from her favorite subject). She had Brian Morrison and liked him.

Does EN103 count as 3 honors credits?


I see it on the honors list.


Pretty much all of the English comp classes vary heavily by professor. Heck, a 101/102 might be harder than a 103 due to the prof.

^ re post #13: yes, all EN 103 sections count as 3 credit hours of Honors.

If my son passes EN 103 I saw that he gets credit for passing the other 3 required freshman composition credits as well. My question is : will all 6 count as Honors credits? 3 Honors, 3 regular?

^ Good question. No, just the EN 103 gets HC credit. On my S’s DW page, it just lists E103 in his list of Honors courses/credits. The EN101 is listed separately, under the General Education category of classes, as 3 credits, “P” grade, “Freshman Composition satisfied by Department placement”.

Thanks aeromom! You rock!