English Proficiency exams


I am a U.S Dual Citizen (American and Syrian). On the UC website it says that a student must display his English proficiency if he/she is applying from a country where English is not the primary language.

I am applying from Lebanon to 6 UCs and today I got accepted into two of them. However I did not do any of these English Proficiency exams. I did not receive an email concerning my IELTS or TOEFL exams from any of the 6 universities. Do you think that me not taking one of these exams will be an issue in my admissions decisions to the other 4 UCs? Or will it not affect negatively because I am American, I’m taking IB English A1 with a predicted 6, 650+ in SAT English Sections, and being in two high schools where English is the language of instruction for grades 10, 11, and 12?
