<p>I am a green card holder(permanent residennt), and My ACT English section score is 21 and 22(two sittings). I've applied to Purdue and Ohio State, and when I checked my required items status, they said they still havent received my proof of English proficiency. Does it mean that I need to take the TOEFL in order to complete my application? but on their international app requirement pages said Purdue needs at least a score of 19 on the ACT English while OSU needs at least a score of 21. Even though I am not considered an international student, I still made these numbers. but why my english proficiency section still has a status of blank/initiated? Can someone please help me, this is freaking me out!! Thank you!</p>
<p>P.S: I just passed the U.S citizenship test, but still waiting for the Oath Ceremony in order to get my U.S passport. Should i check U.S citizen from now on if i am going to apply more colleges?</p>
<p>Pick up the telephone and call Purdue and Ohio State and ask the admissions officers if you need to send a TOEFL score. There may have been some glitch in your paperwork. </p>
<p>Until you get sworn in, you are a permanent resident. This can take an unbelievably long time. I personally know of one new citizen who had to wait two full years between passing her citizenship test and being given her appointment for the oath ceremony. I hope that a few heads rolled at USCIS over that one.</p>
<p>Have you sent in a copy of your green card? They put me as an international applicant because I forgot to send in my prove of residency at first.</p>
<p>Did you receive your high school education in the United States?</p>
<p>i checked the permanent resident box when applied and wrote down my green card number.
i came here 5 years ago, and i am attending high school in the U.S</p>
<p>Each college sets its own rules about who needs to take a TOEFL. Check with each college to be sure; you should still have time to take it (and it should be easy for you if you’ve spent that much time here in the United States) if the college asks you to take it. </p>
<p>Good luck in your applications.</p>
<p>thankyouall: was it ok if i just put down my green card number?</p>
<p>I think you should email them and ask. I didn’t send in a copy of the card, so they ended up sending me an envelop few days later asking me to mail the copy of my green card. I emailed them and they said I could either email it to them or fax it.</p>
<p>what school was that?</p>
<p>U of Pittsburgh and Georgia Tech</p>
<p>did you have english proficiency status as blank/did not receive too? so after you sent them your green card copy, then they changed your status right?</p>
<p>I didn’t see any sort of “English proficiency status” though.</p>