<p>Why does CMU require the TOEFL test for students who were born in other countries even if they're permanent residents? I mean I got a 34/10essay on the English section of the ACT, and that's like 1 question wrong, I've gotten As in all my AP history/Comp and language classes, yet I still have to take this stupid test? There's no more time for the SAT, so that means I must register for the TOEFL somewhere before I apply. Can I just say that English IS my native language?...</p>
<p>TOEFL is only for internationals I think so, as permanent resident count as domestic so you are fine… if you want to be sure you can write to admission office. as I know even Puerto Ricans are exonerated of TOEFL…</p>
<p>Yeah I emailed them and they said “if English is not your native language, you need to take the TOEFL or get exempt from taking the SAT and scoring higher than 600 on the CR section”. If I was born in another country…obviously English isn’t my english language, even if I become a citizen.</p>
<p>If it makes you feel better, professors coming from other countries have to take a localization course on how to speak colloquial English and to make sure they can, well, understand English. Even professors coming from England.</p>
<p>so what if I put down english IS my native language?</p>
<p>Put down English is your native language and be done with it. They will not check (how could they) nor do they care, with your English score.</p>
<p>^ are you sure that would work? Funny thing is that I also mentioned learning English in my common app essay :/</p>
<p>They should be flexible, did you mention your ACT and AP English Language scores?</p>
<p>yes I did in my email. They simply said the ACT and AP scores do not measure English efficiency, which makes no sense to me at all.</p>