<p>So I'm in AP Lang at the moment, planning on taking AP Lit next year
Does the English Lit test cover material exclusively taught in AP Lit, or will I be able to competently take the Lit subject test without any AP Lit experience?</p>
<p>i think sat lit is very hard, probably the hardest sat subject out there. so unless you are really good with poetry or are a brilliant test taker, i would stay away from lit as it is much harder than critical reading.</p>
<p>having said that, if lit is the test you want to take, you might as well take it now. while ap language only gives you moderate preparation for it, its still the 2nd best preparation (ap lit if off course best). you wont be in ap lit long enough during your senior year to help, so i say go for it. might want to practice though…</p>
<p>I have heard it is a very difficult test as well. I have heard that SAT II history is difficult as well, even if you take AP US History.</p>
<p>Math Level II is pretty much a given, so take that. And if you study a lot of AP Chem or Biology you will do fine on the SAT II. Good luck!</p>
<p>Do you enjoy your AP Lang class right now? Did you do well easily (i.e. without hardcore studying) on the SAT CR? If yes, go buy a prep book (I recommend Kaplan) and read all of the review chapters, then take a few practice tests.</p>
<p>I’m a junior taking AP Lang this year, and I got an 800 on the Lit test just reviewing with the Kaplan book + 2 practice tests (one from the BB, one from Kaplan). Your score will vary depending on how well you interpret the passages that you get, so retaking is probably more of a benefit in Lit than in the other subjects.</p>
<p>S2’s IB program recommends that students take AP Lit as juniors since the IB English course tracks more to the Lit than the Lang side this year (at least at his school). S2 needs a third SAT for one of the schools on his list, so he figures he’ll take Lit. </p>
<p>Got a PR book today and it looks awfully easy compared to what he’s had to do in IB. One sentence in the book made me laugh – along the lines of “you’ll need to know about terms like XXX and YYY – but don’t worry about those obscure terms like AAA and BBB” – both of which S2 had to explicate in an essay for IB earlier this year.</p>
<p>He also figures it will be good practice for retaking the SAT in June, where he wants to get his CR score close to his PSAT CR.</p>
<p>I looked at PR and Kaplans and PR is MUCH easier. </p>
<p>I’m taking SAT Lit as a junior this year as well even though I’m only in AP Eng Lang because I figured that preparing for AP exams will help a bit and I won’t really have time to take it next year. I took a practice test in the beginning of the year and got 660-670 on it or something on it without any practice or anything. There’s room for improvement and I’m sure with a little practice, I can get 700 +. The hard thing for me is focusing on the passages and all those tone/attitude type of questions.</p>