ENGR 101 Textbook

<p>The campus bookstore has the textbook listing for a different section than mine (it lists the 200 section, I'm in 300). Is it safe to assume that the same textbook will be used for all sections or should I wait until the professor updates it?</p>

<p>Also, under the LSA course guide it says that the textbook for Econ 101 is "custom textbook". Does anyone know what that means?</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>who is your professor? bielajew doesn’t use a textbook. i’d wait.</p>

<p>so what does bielajew teach off of or tell you to study off of? i also have him as my instructor and i dont know what to do regarding the textbook situation. </p>

<p>anyone have him for ENGR 101 in the past and know how he taught the class and required for the class in terms of textbook?</p>

<p>Go to Ulrichs- they know what book Econ 101 uses. It’s a loose leaf copy, $65.</p>

<p>I still have nothing for eng 151. Maybe theres no book</p>

<p>yeah, i had bielajew. he has a PDF version of his own textbook on the course website. tbh though, i tried to read it and look at examples and didn’t get that much out of it. for studying do the “quizzes”. for the first 2 exams, he gave “quizzes” which were past exams and basically you should be able to do all the problems on there. he also said he would take at least 1 but no more than 2 questions from the quiz and put it on the exam, so if you do the quiz you’d get at least 1 right. who says he’ll do the same thing this year, though.</p>

<p>i had him 2nd semester, i took him because everyone who had him first semester said he was way easier. well, the first exam average was not that high and the second one was so low he said he was disappointed with himself for making an exam too hard for us, so he made the final easy as hell. his lectures were somewhat long (an hour and a half in a room without cell phone reception, no laptops…) but i think he was a good teacher and fair (he told us before that if he made the previous exams too easy, the final would be hard, and vis versa). if you get stuck with a program, definitely consult friends, but realize you still need to understand what is going on or else you won’t learn anything!</p>

<p>good luck!</p>