Enhanced Writing Essay

So I timed myself for 40 minutes to write the new ACT essay. The prompt was the one ACT released about intelligent machines. Could someone please grade my essay? I know it probably isn’t great, I got a little confused with the new essay criteria of what exactly to do.

Here it is:

Machines continue to replace humans everyday, whether it is on an assembly line or in a Wal-Mart. While progress is evident during these changes, it is also possible that we are experiencing losses from automation. It is possible that we lose part of our own humanity with tthese intelligent machines, but automation benefits us far more with its unmatched efficiency and ability to push humans and machines to their limits.

Losing some of our humanity is undeniably a negative of these new machines, especially when they no longer require the respect, courtesy, and tolerance that human workers appreciated. For example, the new self-checkouts at supermarkets don’t involve interactions between the customers and workers, so there are no “thank you”'s or “have a nice day” to be heard from either party. This perspective might be more convincing, however, if it included information about workers becoming unemployed due to these new machines. It also disregards the numerous benefits of automation to the economy and everyday life.

The other two perspectives diverge into support of machines replacing humans, and I stand for both of these viewpoints. Efficiency continues to be sought after in all aspects of life today, whether it’s a fuel-efficient car or an efficient way to complete all the ACT Reading passages. Machines are very beneficial to society because of their outstanding efficiency. On an assembly line in a car factory, machines can increase productivity by performing at a much faster and more precise rate than humans, which shows off their efficiency. The downside of replacing humans with machines, however, is the increased unemployment, a growing problem in today’s economy.

In addition to their efficiency, intelligent machines also challenge our perceptions on what humans are or can be, which drives humans and machines to reach new limits. Bringing out the potential in both is what will help them advance in the constantly changing world. John Henry is a fictional but quality example of a machine pushing him towards new possibilities. The problem with machines challenging our long-standing ideas is that it can actually be discouraging and make humans feel incompetent in the automation abundant world today.

Humans continually find themselves being replaced by fascinating intelligent machines in the workforce. Like most new innovations, this has its benefits and costs. Part of our humanity disappears due to these machines, and they leave many workers without jobs. The benefits are far more significant, however. In nearly any work setting they are placed in, machines are far superior to humans in their efficiency and productivity. They are also capable of pushing both humans and machines towards unimagined possibilities. Intelligent machines are already a big part of the present, and they will be a significant part of the future. Adapting to and accepting these changes only makes sense.