TGIF!!! Still celebrate this day as I’m still working. Friday is usually a work from home day though so, “bonus”!
After the weekend people at work tend to say “did you do anything fun this weekend?!” We have all ages at work. Medical students and residents in their 20’s, staff 30 on up to mid-60’s.
But I always find myself taken back by “did you do anything FUN”. Fun? I don’t know how often I have fun…I mean I do, but “fun” doesn’t happen every weekend. Fun to me is traveling, going to a concert, a game night with our kids…maybe a special hike in a really cool place.
But I think more of my activity falls in the category of ENJOY. Things I enjoy on the weekend:
- sleeping in a little
- breakfast on the deck
- reading on the chaise
- taking an extra long run or walk
- gardening
- getting some take out so I don’t have to cook
- catching up on a tv show
- visiting a MetroPark with the dog
- getting a project done!
But I would not put those things in the category of “fun”. Admitted introvert and H and I don’t do much at all socially, by choice. Do extroverts maybe have more “fun” because they are hanging out with people??
I seriously often stumble over this question when asked and will often say, “well I don’t know if I had fun but I did enjoy doing this…”
Fun vs. enjoy. Do you have “fun” often? What qualifies as “fun” to you. Are fun and enjoy the same - or different??? What qualifies as “enjoy”??
And BTW, hope you ENJOY this weekend - if you have some fun too, all the better.