<p>Are there any current SMG students here that can provide more insight on the entertainment management track of the LA internship program? I’m interested in doing entertainment management/law, but I’m starting to doubt whether BU is a good place to pursue such a career. Aside from the LA internship, there doesn’t seem to be many opportunities or courses that are centered around entertainment management. And even the LA internship program itself seems more geared towards COM. students than SMG students. The entertainment management track of the program still seems kind of shaky and I guess I’m scared that it may be disposed of in the future before I’m able to participate. I regret not applying to UCLA though I am still considering transferring if BU doesn’t turn out as expected. Any thoughts?</p>
<p>I am an SMG student interested in Entertainment Management as well. The LA program was just started during my Junior year, and I couldn't fit it into my schedule. It's very popular so I wouldn't worry about it getting thrown out. Outside of that program we have the Media and Entertainment Club that can help you out with networking and help you learn more abotu the industry.</p>
<p>Since we don't have a major, that's about as in depth as it gets. Boston is not a huge entertainment industry city anyways. I love BU and I don't regret my decision to come here, but I became interested in entertainment too late. By the time I realized that was the industry I wanted to pursue, it was the end of sophomore year. </p>
<p>SMG is a fantastic management school, and you can dabble in entertainment. Just because you don't major in E.M. doesn't mean you can't pursue it, especialyl because of those internship opporutnities. </p>
<p>You also could take classes in COM (where they have a Television Management Class, etc). COM kids just get first choice, but I was told that it would be pretty easy for me to take. </p>
<p>ANyways, I hope that helps, as disjointed as it was.</p>
<p>I am an SMG undergrad and have heard amazing things about the LA internship program. I know a junior who is doing it right now who is interning on the set of Grey's Anatomy!</p>
<p>is the Entertainment Management program in LA just for SMG students, or can COM students do it too?</p>
<p>The internship is geared more towards COM students. In fact, I think the internship was originally available only to COM students and only recently did the SMG track of the internship become available.</p>
<p>lostandfound5, just out of curiosity, now that you've discovered your interest for entertainment management, how are you planning on going about pursuing such a career? Are you thinking about grad school? Have you interviewed for any internships? Also, are you a member of the media and entertainment club? I came upon it while skimming through the SMG website and I'm definitely going to join. I'm also trying to decide what to minor in. I sort of want to minor in something through the COM school, maybe public relations. What minor do you think would be most beneficial for someone trying to pursue a career in entertainment management? </p>
<p>Thank you</p>
<p>Ok. I'm not in the Media and Entertainment club because I am very involved with a theatre group on campus. I also volunteer at the admission office, but I'm going to try to join my senior year.</p>
<p>Unfortunately the only minor in COM available to SMG students is advertising. Your other option would be to double major through BUCOP. I chose a minor in Psychology, because it connects to my Organizational Behavior concentration nicely. </p>
<p>They strongly discourage us from going to grad school right out of SMG just becasue MBA programs like you to have work experience. I am interning this summer just gaining experience as a general manager and I plan to move out to Los Angeles after I graduate to find work out there. </p>
<p>For that I will be utilizing the Career Center at SMG, the alumni network of BU (which gives you emails or other contact info of alumni in different industries), and probably just general job searching myself.</p>
<p>I only made this decision fully at the beginning of this year so my schedule for the next two years wasn't very versitile.</p>
<p>Having a business degree can really get you into MANY different industries. Because our degree is a Bach. of Science in Business Administration, it's very versitile. </p>
<p>In general Entertainment Mgmt isn't huge here, because it isn't huge in Boston. So you'll just have to do some networking and a bit of extra looking on your own, as companies won't be searching out for BU. But most people looking to enter this industry are pretty 'go get em' anyways, so I'm sure you could handle that.</p>
<p>I am a freshman currently in SMG and am very interested in Entertainment Management. I went on the BU Media and Entertainment CLub Trip to LA and it was amazing. I definately plan on going there for a semester or a summer. The internships do put you in management roles if you would like, plus everyone there has for the most part 2 internships. I am right now in the process of trying to prepare so I can get a dual degree in both Marketing and PR, but hopefully SMG and COM can work something out so I can get a PR minor. We will see how this goes. Message me if you have any specifics</p>
<p>That sounds amazing. Does the Media and Entertainment Club take a trip to LA every yr? If so I'm definitely joining. Well I'm joining regardless, but the trip would be awesome. About how many people are in the club? I'd have to presume that it's mostly COM kids?</p>
<p>Its actually based out of SMG. The trip was in its first year but I think they plan to continue it. I am not sure how many members are in the club. Ten of us went to LA.</p>