Entrepreneurial Learning Community

<p>I stumbled upon this: ERLC</a> | University Housing at UW-Madison</p>

<p>It seems like it would be a perfect fit for me next year as a freshman. I want to stay in Sellery, so this would guarantee me a spot, and it's my dream to start my own business.</p>

<p>I was just wondering if anyone could give me some insight into whether it is as good as it sounds?</p>

<p>Are they any more strict on partying, etc? I definitely plan on getting my share of partying in and just don't want it to be some huge hassle. How much commitment is required? Is it worth my time?</p>

<p>Hopefully someone on here knows a thing or two... sounds like a pretty cool program</p>

<p>sellery is like one of the biggest party dorms on campus from what ive heard</p>

<p>My freshman son in Sellery is friends with some guys in a different LLC in Sellery and from what he says, the LLC doesn’t seem to inhibit their party life. From what he says, it is more that there are shared activities and common focus among the students who are on the LLC floor. At Sellery, each Tower floor holds about 50 students, and that group became my son’s general group of friends. </p>

<p>The advantage of an LLC, if it is something you are really interested in, is that the people on your floor share, or at least overlap, with your interests. Also from what my son says, the House fellows (equivalent of student RAs) can differ in terms of how intense they are about enforcing noise, alcohol etc rules. Some write students up instantly, others warn and give an opportunity to comply before they write students up. Don’t know how that might differ for LLC. </p>

<p>Good luck, and congrats.</p>

<p>At UW, they are not called LLC.</p>

<p>I think you mean to say RLC or LC (Residential Learning Communities).</p>

<p>[Learning</a> Communities | University Housing at UW-Madison](<a href=“http://www.housing.wisc.edu/lc]Learning”>http://www.housing.wisc.edu/lc)</p>

<p>Ah well, I am just used to IU where they are called LLC. As my son did not look too closely to learning communities at UW (despite my encouragement), I suppose the official title never stuck with me.</p>

<p>Yeah sellery is one of the biggest party dorms in the nation according to some things I’ve read. I just wanted to make sure the learning community didn’t hold some “higher standards”, if that makes sense. Thanks for the replies</p>